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42 YO diffuse thinner

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Hi everyone,

Typically a lurker on the forum but finally joined to hopefully get some opinions. I don’t think I can be objective any longer given my concern around my hair thinning over the last several years 

Background: 42 YO / FIn & rogaine for nearly 20 years / father nw5-6 / moms side, just general overall thinning in older age 

Around 2018, started noticing hair on my hands when showering and just a general loss of density and how my hair felt. Probably been a slow decline since then but not a huge change, at least visually. My wife and brothers tell me I’m over reacting but just wondering what others think? It’s weird, in some pictures I think I should just stop worrying about it but in others, the diffuse thinning is really apparent to me. Do I have good hair characteristics for a hair transplant down the road as I continue to thin out?

various pictures over the last year. Buzzed, longer, wet hair. I have a lot of grey/white now so it sometimes doesn’t show up well in pics 

Thanks for taking the time to read! 














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Right now i think your fine, diffuse thinners can actually sometimes end up looking worse. Buzz cuts are always going to show the diffuse thinning areas. Getting the right cut will help. Personally I think it looks better grown out. 

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Just now, JohnAC71 said:

And good to hear your maintaining really well ! That’s a good med regime 👌

Thanks John! Given my family history, my older brother and I jumped on rogaine/propecia early in the game 

I agree the buzz cut wasn’t the greatest look but man was it ever convenient. Didn’t have to worry about sweating at the gym or swimming. It felt pretty great too 

Appreciate the feedback! Hesitant to post because I know it could be much worse and don’t want to minimize any else’s situation by sharing my own 



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1 minute ago, Teeq22 said:

Thanks John! Given my family history, my older brother and I jumped on rogaine/propecia early in the game 

I agree the buzz cut wasn’t the greatest look but man was it ever convenient. Didn’t have to worry about sweating at the gym or swimming. It felt pretty great too 

Appreciate the feedback! Hesitant to post because I know it could be much worse and don’t want to minimize any else’s situation by sharing my own 



Don’t worry ! We welcome all, everyone is on different journeys. If you can carry on maintaining like this then I don’t think you need a transplant at all. 
Be interesting to hear the other members opinions. 

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Your hair looks great. Stay on the finasteride and minoxidil. You have responded well to those meds. 

Edited by Dr. Suhail Khokhar
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My advice does not constitute a patient-physician relationship nor as medical advice and all medical questions/concerns should be addressed to your medical provider. 

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Minor thinning? Perhaps. Receded temporal areas? Sure.  Glad to hear you are doing some medical regimen to help you with retention.  Pls do not stop - it is possibly the best thing you ever did.

You have dark hair and light scalp and the contrast makes it seem as if you are thinning .  Look into SMP, this will help minimize the issue if it bothers you.  Diffuse thinning refers to something else all together.

The shedding you are referring to is normal.  The follicle gets tired of producing so it goes into a resting phase.  The follicle resumes its job 3-4 months later.  So, when you see hair in the pillow, sink, smile....That hair will return. 

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Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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Yeah, thank your younger self for hopping on fin/min.  Things are looking solid.  

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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your hair looks very good for age 42.



Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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