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Who focuses on the youth?


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I think it would be impractical for any hair-transplant surgeon to "focus" his or her practice on men in their early twenties; it's just a very small part of the potential market, most of which, I imagine, lies with men in their forties.


That said, there's no reason a skilled doctor whose "base" is middle-aged would prove insufficient in treating a younger person. Is there something specific that concerns you?

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all in all, I just want as little hassle as possible. I am working very hard to save for this. I know there is alot more to h.t.'s, but I don't want to be rewarded for my determination with a a 40-yr olds hairline. I am only 24 and I am usually taken to be 32. I would like to enjoy at least a few years of my youth feeling youthful <icon_smile.gif I also don't understand why when I call alot of these h.t. places, their receptionists seem to know less than what I have learned! I have read the manuals already and don't need you to read them to me! ok I feel better now that thats off my chest.

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  • Senior Member

Be careful AFK. I had my transplant at 24, and luckily the doc put my new hairline about 1/2 inch above my then current hairline. I would have looked pretty stupid at 30 with a lot of blank real estate behind the hairline had it done what I wanted.


You'll want to look good at 40, too.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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  • Senior Member
Does anyone have any information on doctors that focus their techniques on men in their low-twenties?




I don't think any doctor in particular focuses on men in their low twenties. The surgeon will examine each patient on a case by case basis and then make a diagnosis and prognosis. This is keeping with their training and is irrespective of race or gender.

take care...



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No doctor should "focus on the youth". In theory -- and practice -- there is right and wrong when it comes to HTs, and it's a decision that is a blend of surgical competence and gameplan combined with the patients expectations and general outlook. What Dewayne said is vital -- you need to temper looking good now with looking good later....thankfully, this doesn't have to be mutually exclusive!


IMO, there are doctors who *won't* work on "the youth", when another would and it would be sound....or, doctors who will, but will provide a relative disservice with a smallish session that much of the time simply won't meet the expectations of the said "youth". Again, this is why education on the patients' part is paramount -- knowing what the result will legitimately likely look like, e.g. -- and it needs to be combined with a gameplan that works with what the doctor is comfortable with!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by AFK:

all in all, I just want as little hassle as possible. I am working very hard to save for this. I know there is alot more to h.t.'s, but I don't want to be rewarded for my determination with a a 40-yr olds hairline. I am only 24 and I am usually taken to be 32. I would like to enjoy at least a few years of my youth feeling youthful <<img src="http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif" alt="Smile" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:icon_smile.gif--> I also don't understand why when I call alot of these h.t. places, their receptionists seem to know less than what I have learned! I have read the manuals already and don't need you to read them to me! ok I feel better now that thats off my chest.


First, I think we have to give receptionists, consultants, and doctors credit when they seem to be "baby-stepping" you with information: they have no idea where you've been or what you know, and it's fair they assume you haven't researched the crap out the this procedure.


Second, be very careful when you decide you're twenty-four years old, are mistaken for thirty-two, so would like the hairline of a sixteen-year-old to live out your youth happily. I get that that sounds reasonable ("The hell with when I'm sixty; give me a good decade or so, now"), but if you're quite bald at twenty-four, it's very likely you won't keep a sixteen-year-old's hair-line for even three or four years. The natural hair will keep receding, and you'll run out of donor supply to fill in the gaps. By thirty (which is much closer than you might think), you could end up with a bunch of hair at the front, and a lot of empty scalp behind, which will likely devastate you far more greatly than accepting a somewhat more "mature" hair-line right now. You have to balance your priorities. Unless you'll be dead by thirty, you shouldn't act like your whole life will be the next half-decade or so.


Good luck.

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