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Finasteride and mental Health

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I have mental health/migraine issues that have been stabilized on medication. Knowing that depression, anxiety and migraines are possible complications for Finasteride users does anyone else have experience with psychiatric issues and the addition of Finasteride. I know the research I've reach is hazy on the subject and imagine most people will say it was a none issue for them, but I'm particularly interested in people who struggle or manage mental illness such as depression, anxiety, Bipolar, schizophrenia, panic, ect.. anything and everything in this realm as well as migraines, TMJ, tension head aches. Just curious if Finasteride has been contraindicated for some. 

*EDIT* Also I'm realizing that I should make mention that I am an adult that has achieved full ability to make discerning judgment. Any information provided would be understood as anecdotal and like any situation I would still refer to all appropriate specialist for my unique situation before making any decisions. There is no need for preface or caveats to clarify this on my behalf,but if you feel it needs to be reiterated for other susceptible members reading your reply or because it reduces your own anxiety I take no issue with this.

Edited by DidyousayZach
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Welcome brand new member. Anecdotal stories from other members is a terrible basis for making medical decisions. Also trying to sort through all the anti-finasteride material online posted by troubled individuals and trolls is not productive either. 

Everybody with medical issues and concerns like this should consult with your doctors, who are qualified to evaluate your unique physiology and monitor your progress if they determine you are a candidate for taking finasteride.

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32 minutes ago, DidyousayZach said:

I have mental health/migraine issues that have been stabilized on medication. Knowing that depression, anxiety and migraines are possible complications for Finasteride users does anyone else have experience with psychiatric issues and the addition of Finasteride. I know the research I've reach is hazy on the subject and imagine most people will say it was a none issue for them, but I'm particularly interested in people who struggle or manage mental illness such as depression, anxiety, Bipolar, schizophrenia, panic, ect.. anything and everything in this realm as well as migraines, TMJ, tension head aches. Just curious if Finasteride has been contraindicated for some. 

Yes it was contra-Indicated for me (Bi-Polar) and so I have chosen not to take it. Most of the medications I take (or have taken) did have contra-indications and my mental health was more important to me than the hair on my head 🤩

Edited by JohnAC71
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1 minute ago, DidyousayZach said:

Okay good to hear the feedback. Have you utilized other measures for your hair?

Nope 👎 for me at nearly 50 with what would have been a Norwood 6 by now I was ok in just having transplanted hair on my head 😃 (x5 hts) with one to go (BHT) 


Edited by JohnAC71
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11 hours ago, bertvadas said:

I have an addiction to smoking CBD because if I do not smoke I am very impulsive

Thanks for the random personal trivia. Next time you want to bump a 6 month old topic just type 'bump.'

Probably the same person that started the topic creating another new member account. 

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I was on Fin 11 weeks until I start having erectile disfunction... By this time Finasteride was miracle drug for me because not only gave me amazing results in hair area. But also increase(yes it did) my libido by 3-4 times stronger, and took away my OCD and depression, mainly because little brain fog. It was really hell to must quit drug due sides it gave me... Consider this all positives at the beginning. 

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Mental health and medication can be a tricky combo. I once had a similar dilemma when considering a new medication for migraines. It felt like navigating through a foggy maze of uncertainty. While I haven't tried Finasteride myself, hearing about others' experiences could shed some light.

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I'd try 1mg to begin with on Mon - Wed - Fri cycle (3mg per week) I've even known some to do a Mon - Thur cycle (2mg per week) and they still maintained their hair.

A lot of men take 5mg daily for enlarged prostate (35mg per week) and very few complain of the side effects.... 

You could always try topical Finasteride or Dutasteride which is localised to the scalp also. 

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