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Male, 37, Temples and hairline effected more and more

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Hey guys, I'm 37. Had hair thinning for a good 3-4 years now. I did Finastride for 2 years, I would say it stablized my thinning. Did not "regrow" but stabilized. Using Minoxidil for 3 years.

In the last 3 months I stopped using both. Finastride was a 1mg tablet a day and Minox was Kirkland Foam most of the times. Reason for this was trying for a baby.

Initially I didn't see anything but I would say that in the last 1 month I've noticed a more extra deepening of my hair templates. I'd like to know what people recommend here. I'm trying for child so don't really want to go on Finastride. I guess Minoxidil is something I should go back on?
I'm also now seriously considering looking to get a hair transplant option also here in UK done, that's def on my mind.

I have not tried Dermarolling and a few have recommended to me.

Any thoughts what you guys think here based on my situation?

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  • Senior Member

Here's a recent topic, guy in the same situation as you. You can read both sides. The guys that stop taking the meds are doing it out of the understandable desire to be extra careful, but there is no evidence that finasteride or minoxidil causes birth defects from the father's semen. Just don't let the mother take the finasteride pills, handle the pills, or use the minoxidil.






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