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SMP FUE scars UK - permanent or temporary? Pics

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  • Regular Member

Hi everyone, I am interested in getting SMP to cover disguise my FUE scars. I have attached photos (sorry about the haircut - it was a self cut during lockdown). I usually don’t get my hair cut down past a number 3 guard but I would like to start getting it cut shorter after SMP.  

Is it better to get temporary or permanent SMP? Can anyone recommend good SMP clinics in the UK? 

I am worried about the dots turning blue or green and the ink bleeding.


Thanks for your help.






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  • Regular Member

You look like SMP would really work for you as your fue scars are pretty good providing you went to the right smp practitioner. 

The issues you are worried about are when people go to a tattoo artist to get smp instead of a specialist, temporary smp needs top ups but no danger of it changing to a blue or a green.

Whereabouts in the UK are you? I got mine done by SMPbyMARCUS which hurt but I got good coverage, Brandwood clinic has good rep and Damon Ashcroft is well recommended.

When i got mine done for FUT/FUE needed to be 3 sessions separated by 10 days apart. Then top ups every 2-3 years depending on how your body breaks down the pigment.  

Edited by Badhairman1
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  • Senior Member

It’s kind of disappointing that with all the money in risk for a HT you still can’t style you’re hair like you want.., I also like my head buzz feaded on the back and sides maybe HT is not for me 

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  • 1 year later...

I had a very similar result after my first FUE (2,500 grafts). I've now had my second HT (600 grafts) and I'm looking for SMP to cover the scars/bald patches on the donor area. I have booked a consolation for Jan 2022, when the donor area heals, but I am keen to know what you've decided to do and how it turned out

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