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How many graphs to restore my hairline + widow peak PLUS Minoxidil Before and After pictures.

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How many graphs to restore my hairline + widow peak PLUS Minoxidil Before and After pictures.     

Hallo everyone. Time has come for me. I start seriously consider hair transplant myself. I hit 31 in January and my obsession over my hair has to stop. It did not go away for over 13 years and it not look like as it is about to go away.

I was kind of naïve to believe in 2010 that in 10 years(when I hit 30) my main issue will be to choice with hair restoration method should I take. But nothing really came out since then, no SETI, FEVI, REPLICEL, ADERANS, HISTOGEN etc etc… and It is time to stop waiting for cure, just act.

My hair situation is not really dramatic… I have thin hair type, but quite huge density in general, yet I was losing lime 20-45 hairs per day, during combing another 30+… it was bothering me of course, but  I tried to fool my mind that that kind of amount is normal. I had “accident”(?) with Nizoral shampoo in 2011 or something like that. I use it once and I lost after I came out of shower 500+, yes 500+ hairs… it dry my scalp and ruined condition of my skin… They never “grown back” sadly.

In 2018 I decide to try Propecia. I was scare as …. Because of horror stories out there online.
First 2 months… I was most happy men on planet. Hair loss stopped completely. They got thicker. Libido was stronger than I was teenager(yes it grown) and erections stronger then I remember. Sadly in moth 3 my body totally crashed. Erectile disfunction, zero libido and GYNO, life ruined. I quit cold turkey and happily things start coming back to normal after 3 weeks. Now after over a year I have no sides from Propecia except GYNO. Of course my hair condition came back to pre-propecia state, good for me it was nothing worse then I started.

I went to dermatologist in my town for advice. I did some research and some people took ARIMIDEX together with Propecia, and it works miracles for them. And since I was so obsessed about hair I wanted to try this crazy combination. But my dermatologist was smart enough to not agree on this, instead he gave me MINOXIDIL 1MG in pills. And ladies and gentlemen, results start to be visible after 2 weeks. Hairs become more “vital”, stronger, thicker, and I do experience absolute no hair loss. Combing back, 0 stay on comb. I am happy like never before, after 11 years of fear and getting sad, low about losing hairs… my dermatologist fix issue in 1 day. I have no side effects from MINOXIDIL and I take it for more than 7 months. I am about to ask on my next visit for 2,5 mg.  

However I wish to fix my hairline, because as great results are, from bald area nothing will grown back, no matter what. So I wonder how many graphs I will need to have hairline fix and widow peak rebuild?

My hairline now:




Hairline I want to have. I really don’t like pedantic, ideal line from one corner to another, I am not finding this natural. I wish to have one like Colin Farrell has:





Before Minoxidil:





After 7 months:









Edited by ffar
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Your hair looks pretty darn good to me. It looks like the minoxidil is working, so I'd stay on that. I don't understand if you have hair like that why you would be obsessed with it and thinking about a hair transplant for 10 years and hoping for some better treatment to come out. Your hair is fine. You could MAYBE use a few grafts in the center, but even then I'd stay behind the current hairline, so you keep the natural hairline and just beef up behind it slightly.

If you are having a problem with your hair now, I'm almost 100% sure you will not be happy with a hair transplant. Why would you risk surgery to "fix" a hairline that is fine and natural? It's not the risks of the actual surgery that is the issue. That is nearly risk free as far as complications, but the possible scars and especially the possible unnaturalness of the hairline is what I'd worry about if I were you. If you are so worried about it now, what will you feel when you get a few coarse hairs along the front that you don't think look right? And that is sure to happen.  I'm not against hair transplants. I think they are great for people actually losing hair. I don't think they should be used as designer styles where you think you can order a hairstyle and you get it placed on your head the way you ordered it. It doesn't work that way. There's no returning it if you don't like it. I think it's much harder to please someone who already has good, natural hair because you're changing the natural hairline to a man made one with hairs taken from another area that weren't supposed to be in the hairline. It never looks quite as good as someone with thick hair who never lost any.


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Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Your hair looks amazing and natural full stop !   Honestly, some hair loss guys would give their left arm to have your hair hahahah

My best advice to you is concentrate on  improving other things in your life wether its career, social life, start a hobby improve you 

health {Hit the gym and get Hench}  After my Hair transplants I stopped smoking/drinking started to eat healthy and got a six pac



Be Happy I Agree 100%   "If you are having a problem with your hair now,  I'm 100% sure you will not be happy with a hair transplant.


Imagine if the doctor you go to, gives you an unnatural hairline you don't like or hate ?  Honestly there not much to fix or restore imho

you hair looks great, to answer your question if you want to thicken the hairline 1000 grafts should do it which I do NOT Recommend 


Other options - To give you that thickening looking in your Hairline I highly recommend - Lable M - Brunette Texturising Volume Spray    



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I kind of did not except answers like this lol :P
Here are more pictures, of widow peak, at lest this could be fixed. I hate it. loosing hairline is not so horrible as widow peak:



I remember a time when this part was itching quite much so I scratch it often, and now here is result :/ 

Edited by ffar
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In my opinion, based on these pictures, the risk far outweighs the reward in your case. I would not be going down the surgical route in your case. Instead, I'd focus on the medical route for now. I know you said you had sides with finasteride but maybe you can try a topical version such as the liposomal version sold out of italy which does not go systemic. Minoxidil (which youre already on) and even dermarolling can help you as well.  Your hair looks perfectly normal to me. The improvement you may get with surgery will likely not be noticed by anyone except yourself.


@Niko1 makes some great points. Try to find healthy distractions for now. Gym, meditation, self development, etc. You'll likely see your hair is not a sole source of happiness.

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