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MPB at 17? Opinions...


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17 yr old male. Hair seems like it is "fluffier" feels lighter.  Receding temples and now maybe crown.  Barber says it's a cowlick.  My mother says she noticed changes in my hair at 15.  She has fphl.  My dad shaves his head and was thinning in early 30s.  Am I really balding so early and is Rogaine a good treatment?   Hair is really greasy in last pic...  It gets oily faster and my scalp itches a lot.  




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Looks like you might just be growing into adult hair line a younger age than the average male. However, with strong family history of genetic hair loss you want to keep a close eye on things and start preventative measures right away if you notice continued thinning / hair loss.

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  • Senior Member

I would suggest seeing a doctor to evaluate what's going on and see what your options are. The doc may deem it appropriate for you to start Finasteride, Minoxidil and other measures to pre-empt hair loss, especially given the genetic history you've talked about

My advice does not constitute a patient-physician relationship nor as medical advice and all medical questions/concerns should be addressed to your medical provider. 

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You may be in the process of maturing your hairline.  As far as the crown goes, everyone has a whirl and it's the weakest point we all seem to share.  Given your family history I would encourage you to visit with a dermatologist or with a hair transplant professional.  

A couple of things to keep in mind.  If you've lost, you'll keep losing.  Based on what you're told during the consultation, I would encourage you to discuss medical therapy, (Propecia, Rogaine, Laser). The other thing to discuss is the fact you are only 17.  If you've started losing so early, it is likely you may end up with an advanced pattern.  Get on meds and wait to see what happens.  Hopefully you'll notice retention which is what the meds are intended for.

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I wouldn't be too alarmed yet. But definitely monitor it and you may want to start on preventive treatments.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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7 hours ago, Dr. Glenn Charles said:

Looks like you might just be growing into adult hair line a younger age than the average male. However, with strong family history of genetic hair loss you want to keep a close eye on things and start preventative measures right away if you notice continued thinning / hair 





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6 hours ago, Dr. Glenn Charles said:

Looks like you might just be growing into adult hair line a younger age than the average male. However, with strong family history of genetic hair loss you want to keep a close eye on things and start preventative measures right away if you notice continued thinning / hair loss.

What would be a preventative measure?  

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