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Should I go on finasteride?


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I am a 24 nearly 25 year old. I have norward 3 which is steadily advancing. I could take it when it was at the front, but now its on the crown and i can not see it I was thinking about going on finasteride (with courve, my hair looks pretty good atm).


I literally do not care if i am bald in my 30's once i have settled down with a wife and kids, i could not care less-Id be happy if i knew i was going to keep what i got, its the inpending nature of balding that i can't stand, its like you have no control of your own (hair) future.


So basically i want to keep what i have until im am 30, so about 6 years.


Now my question is, from people who take finasteride or have been on it for a long period, should i go on it, baring in mind i know the potential sides? I am just looking for some advice from more experienced members!



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Hey man, I know how you feel. I'm 23, approaching a NW3 (Front only) and have been on Finasteride for 12 months. The drug basically stopped my hairloss for now. I've not had any sides, and getting on the drug has been a great decision for me.


My advice would be do your research. I looked at the clinical trials on propecia before I started it. There is basically a 2% chance of sides. In the trials, guys who got sides returned to normal on stopping treatment and some of those who stayed on the drug despite sides found the sides went away.


Propecia is your best bet to fight hairloss, but only you can decide to go on it or not. It tends to stop hairloss for 5 years, after which it usually resumes.


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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Hi, I get a Private prescription from my GP (the NHS wont pay for it), then get it from my local pharmacy. Whatever you do, don't be tempted to buy it online.


One stat I read recently was 90% of drugs bought online are either fake or poor quality.


If you really don't want to see your own GP, I know spex (Dr feller's UK guy) can put you in touch with his GP who can prescribe it for you.


Whichever pharmacy you get it from, ask the price first, it can vary between ??90-140 for 84 tabs (3months worth).


I'm also hoping to get some PRP done soon when it arrives over here.


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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I Live in Scotland, so legislation means they can't offer that service over here.


I prefer to see my GP about this since he's a bloke though.


However, it's essentially the same thing.


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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Uk Lad,


I am in the same place as you my friend, but maybe even slightly further on with my pattern at the same age. There are a few variables you need to consider.


Primarily, regardless of how you feel now, you state the fact that you wont mind when you are 30, married and settled. This is a little naive. As your hairloss continues, if you care now, you will care then. Therefore, if the maintanence and potential replacement of your hair is a project you wish to undertake, and think carefully, the sooner the better.


Propecia and Minoxidil are the only proven none surgical products, that will assist you in your goals.


As you mentioned, Boots are highly respected, but in retail. Not in hairloss. Whatever Boots may be able to offer, Im sure that you can achieve much better at a smaller cost by purchasing these products and avoiding Boots. Do you really want some uneducated employee of Boots to take you photos and tell you how they can help you. A few months on here, and your knowledge will surely outweigh theirs.


Splitting hairs is right, Spex can pass on a number for you for his GP. He can conduct a consultation over the phone, and arrange for Finasteride to be sent to you.


Good luck!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Originally posted by Raphael84:

Do you really want some uneducated employee of Boots to take you photos and tell you how they can help you. A few months on here, and your knowledge will surely outweigh theirs.



I agree. Most healthcare professionals have never heard of Propecia. I asked my Doctor for it and he had to look it up!!


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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as being the same age as ya'll let me give you this advice...


just do it, don't worry about the sides, the people on the internet blow em way outta proportion. the best response to this that i've seen on this forum was someone made the analogy of "do you really think those who it's worked for are wasting their time on hair loss message boards?" the answer is most likely NO!


think about it this way, if it were ANY other med for pretty much ANY other problem that you just wandered into your doc for, and he just wrote you a script for it, would you freak out? or would you just trust the good doc and get it filled and take it... read up on any other med you've taken before, what were their sides/% rate? probably just the same if not worse...


just take it (i've had NO prob on it for over a year) and if you DO for some odd chance feel it, you can always quit

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