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Help... Saifi FUT booked


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Hello everyone, 

I'm 32 years old and have been thinking about having a hair transplant for a few years now, i'm a between a norwood 2 / 3 and have been for some time.  I'm great at disguising it... but as soon as there is some wind -  boom... i look crazy.

After doing lots of research i reached out and contacted Dr Saifi in Poland who has been extremely helpful and friendly. Ive done an online consultation and Dr Saifi has said i'd need around 2000 grafts and i'm suitable for either FUT or FUE . I also know someone who has had a procedure with him... so i was feeling pretty confident, until today!

I decided on the FUT, 1 - because of price and 2, because of success rate.  I'm concerned about the scar but Dr Saifi has assured me that this will be relatively unnoticeable. 

Ive carried on my research and today i've come across a few negative reviews  (i know, i know... a couple of negative review are nothing.. but its made me worry). 

My main concerns are;

1: Density of the hairline - i want to wear my hair in a style where i can slick it to the side and quiff it.

2: The scar... how long will the hair need to be to cover it once its healed. 

3: I have taken 2 weeks off work, i'd like the procedure to be on the down low if possible... does the entire back of my head need to be shaved? Or can it be done in a more discrete way?

4: After care - what do i need to avoid? Can i wear a hat?


I''m booked for a couple of weeks... and i guess i'm at the final stage pre op and i'm looking for your guys input  and reviews re Dr Saifi. oh, and words of encouragement!


Edited by alin5
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Hello ALIN5. 

 I would be concerned you choose FUT because of the price.  

Ok I understand you are anxious regarding the scar also, as anybody would.  So if you are choosing FUT because of the price which is cheaper and at the same time not sure and worried that you would have a scar for life from FUT ,    I think you should really consider FUE instead or the new modified form of FUE which is  DHT (Direct Hair transportation ) 

You would have no scars from the above technique ( only noticed by a microscope )  and this would put your mind at ease.

I understand budget might be an issue at the present but perhaps over the long term you might be better off waiting a little longer . If you are concerned now ,You dont want to make a decision you may regreat later , dont rush and take your time. 

......All the best for now Alin5


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