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quitting propecia after 6 years?

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Hi im considering quitting propecia after 6 years, Iv had 2 hair transplants both fue surgery, I took propecia 1 year prior to first fue and 5 years after 

im not getting any side effects apart from maybe a slight decrease in sex drive,  which is my thinking of coming off and also cause planning to have a baby 

im worried of course about hair loss when stop finasteride, I just wanted to hear mainly from those in a similar situation to me that's had a hair transplant and then dropped propecia altogether

what's the best way to stop propecia i.e cold turkey or gradually coming off it by halving pills etc, and also how was your hair loss if any? and side effects if any?


thanks for reading and look forward to hear some feedback 



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i would just be aware of the areas I had hair transplanted in to, and the native hair (if any) that was still present at the time of surgeries. If you’re okay with what it’ll look like without native hair, you should be fine. be prepared to lose if you still have native hair 

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hi, thanks for the reply and info, it was all frontal side areas that has the fue on, iv noticed its a bit thinner then it was maybe was a couple of years ago so im wondering if the propecia is working anyway- it did of course at the start and maybe has maintained it to a certain degree but the fact its thinner now im worried loosing anymore if coming off propecia altogether as it would seem the 2 transplants were a waste of time If id only end up shaving it off,  of course im worried about stopping propecia but in the long run if I do and loose that native hair I think I would have to shave off to a grade 1 or get a further fue done but where does one stop...

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If your not experiencing any side effects maybe just try reducing the dosage to every other day or .5mg every otherday. Reduced sex drive could just be an age related issue. if you’ve been on 6 years with no issues i think you are probably safe.

Edited by Mr S
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14 hours ago, paulio160285 said:

Hi im considering quitting propecia after 6 years, Iv had 2 hair transplants both fue surgery, I took propecia 1 year prior to first fue and 5 years after 

im not getting any side effects apart from maybe a slight decrease in sex drive,  which is my thinking of coming off and also cause planning to have a baby 

im worried of course about hair loss when stop finasteride, I just wanted to hear mainly from those in a similar situation to me that's had a hair transplant and then dropped propecia altogether

what's the best way to stop propecia i.e cold turkey or gradually coming off it by halving pills etc, and also how was your hair loss if any? and side effects if any?


thanks for reading and look forward to hear some feedback 



If you've gone 6 years with no real issues, then maybe the sex-drive issue could be due to other circumstances?

My advice, if you are going to stop it, is to slowly reduce it. I've heard this is the best way to stop taking the meds.

I suppose it all depends on how much you're taking, what is your current dosage?

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hi, thanks for reply Im currently using 1 tablet a day I think 1mg, me and the missis are thinking of having a kid and when I purchase propecia there warning not to take when trying to conceive so that was another reason maybe to stop, but at the same time keeping the hair is important, iv tried looking into it further and there does not appear to any risk, but I think if I stop il stop for good rather then going back after pregnancy as I feel the damage will already be done hair wise and it would be nice not be on any meds ideally, something il think about I guess

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