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What is the best solution for hair loss?

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  • Regular Member
5 hours ago, osamahtd said:

most reliable treatment is Hair transplant cause it is permanent solution, you can get free expert advice from our clinic

There isn't a single answer, takes a combination.   A hair transplant without finisteride (especially for anyone under 40) along with other measures can turn into a mess 5+ years later when/if the native hair starts to go. 

If there was a single cure, we all would be doing it.

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You have asked the simplest of questions, and yet the most difficult to answer.  Hair loss is complicated.  So many factors involved.  Perhaps we should start with the Norwood/Ludwig scales.  When you go to a consultation, find out from the doctor what stage you are truly in.  This will guide both you and the doctor as to what should be recommended and done.  If you are found to be a class 1, for example, medical therapy is probably the best thing to do.  If you are a class 7, you have some decisions to make.  If you are in between the 1-7, the combinations of what you can do are endless.

At a minimum, consider that the donor is a limited, valuable source and is finite.  And, in an advance pattern, no one has enough hair in the donor to allow for a full set of hair.  Thus, medical therapy should be part of the equation.

Propecia, Rogaine, Laser and PRP are the only approved/released modalities used to help patients with retention of their native hair.  The fact is, if you've shown the propensity to lose, this will continue.  If the meds help, now you can bump that bar of density by doing transplants.  If meds do not work, again, you have some decisions to make.

All medical therapies work in different ways and are thus synergistic.  Give them a good year and document the progress.  A year later you can decide if you should continue.

If you do decide to move forward with a transplant procedure, do your research.  LOOK for cases similar to your own and view thousands of photos.  Go to a few consultations and see what the common denominator is.  Then decide.  Oh, and keep reading this site, lots of people that truly want to help you.

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