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Shock loss in donor area ... A bit concerned!!

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I've been told a few times that shock loss in the donor area is normal and can take about 3/4 months for the hair to return. I seem to have a few completely bald patches at both sides of my head just behind and above my ears. The cut running along the back of my head seems fine. I'm a bit concerned about this as i can actually feel nothing but soft skin in these bald areas and not even a hint of any hairs coming through. I took one members advice and i've strted applying rogaine in the donor area to see if that helps.


Does anyone have any other tips or advice and is it a FACT the hair will come back??


1.25mg Proscar Alternative days

Rogaine 5% minox Twice daily

Vit B One tablet a day


2800 FUE Armani Oct 07

2900 FUT Feller March 09

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  • Regular Member

I've been told a few times that shock loss in the donor area is normal and can take about 3/4 months for the hair to return. I seem to have a few completely bald patches at both sides of my head just behind and above my ears. The cut running along the back of my head seems fine. I'm a bit concerned about this as i can actually feel nothing but soft skin in these bald areas and not even a hint of any hairs coming through. I took one members advice and i've strted applying rogaine in the donor area to see if that helps.


Does anyone have any other tips or advice and is it a FACT the hair will come back??


1.25mg Proscar Alternative days

Rogaine 5% minox Twice daily

Vit B One tablet a day


2800 FUE Armani Oct 07

2900 FUT Feller March 09

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Hey Jonrctim,



is it a FACT the hair will come back??


I don't want to freak you out but the hair lost due to shock loss, is not guaranteed to grow back, there have been posters on this forum whom have suffered permanent shock loss.


The good news is - the hair almost always grows back, I just thought you should know that its not a sure thing.

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I have never seen a case where shock loss in the donor area has not returned. In the recipient yes, but not the donor.

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Thanks for the honesty Maxxy. I was just reading one of Spex's posts on shock loss - "Shockloss is something that can be experienced when transplanting into existing hair although highly unpredictable. Shockloss occurs when the native hair is weak and isn't strong enough to resist the trauma thats going on around it. More often than not the hair that has gone into shock will grow back but after 3/4 months - after the resting phase

Hair that goes into shock and doesn't return is hair that was inevitably on its way out anyway and wasn't strong enough to return."


Seems logical enough. What do you think??


I imagine that if the worst came to the worst it would have to be an FUE repair job??


Cheers for the reply.

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Trust me, I have been reading hair loss forums for years, it is not a fact that hair will return, far from it. People have suffered permanent loss in the donor area.


Now I'm not saying this is common and I'd be hopefull this won't be the case with you but it has and does happen.


One guy on this forum posted about his experience around 3 month ago, (I will try find the post). He suffered permanent loss in the donor area, his surgery was done by coalition doctor, I only mention that as even in good hands shock loss can be permanent.


He recieved FUE in the areas from his doctor, free of charge and I believe he was pleased with the result. (as pleased as you can be in that situation)




Regarding Spex's post, I may be wrong but I don't think he is discounting the fact that hair loss in the donor area can happen and can be permanent, he is simply given his views on shock loss in the reciept?

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I can't find the post I was referring to, if I come across it I will let you know.


Here's a link for you, basically just backing up what I have said.


Shock Loss


I don't know if its common practice to get a repair job free, (I'm also not sure it would be a repair job as such, in some cases it could be down to the surgeon but in others I think it just happens?) I would like to think any respectable doctor would try and help.

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I never suffered any shock loss but I still worried about it for months, I think one of my first posts on this forum was asking "when can I stop worrying about shock loss".


I hope it works out for you m8, keep watching your post - I'm sure other members who have suffered shock loss will chime in and offer you advise.


Edit: The above link is stating the reason for shock loss in the donor is that the closure is too tight, I personally don't think this is always the case.

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I'm just past the the 5 month mark, so far I have a lot of growth but it is still very thin at this point, hoping for more growth in the coming months (my receipt was completely bald)


Every one is different when it comes to growth but generally at around 3 month growth may start, I started seeing early signs of growth at around 2 month.

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The attach depicts my shock loss at the 3 month mark after my last surgery. I was told by Dr. Wong, after he saw the picture, that the loss was temporary and that the hair would grow back in a month or so. As it turned out he was right. Good luck.



"Temples 'n Crowns Forever"


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I have never seen a case where shock loss in the donor area has not returned. In the recipient yes, but not the donor.


I have, but these cases are rare and usually due to a overly high tension donor closure that caused vascular issues. Today's surgeons dedicated to state of the art hair transplantation are extremely careful to close the donor under low tension, significantly minimizing and dare I say eliminating this problem




You've chosen an excellent doctor in Dr. Feller and I trust your shock loss will be temporary.


Best wishes,



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Thanks for the replies guys.


Checked your shock loss pic uncjim and although your hair is much longer than mine in your pic i think its really similar. Thank God yours grew back ....Gives me hope!! Cheers.


Bill, when i was being closed up at the sides i felt a real tightening up ... I swear to god i think its what a face lift would feel like.


Did anyone else feel this??

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There can be some permanent loss in the donor area especially in the corners above the ears. Like Bill said, if it does happen it's usually related to tension issues. I have seen a few cases in the recent years but very minor compared to the old days.

1st HT 1-5-05 - 1894 FUT's Dr. Glenn Charles


2nd HT 12-18-06 - 1542 FUT's Dr. Glenn Charles


Total: 3436 FUT's


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