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Is it a bad idea to get a HT with many miniaturized hairs?

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I have a lot of miniaturized hairs some short in length some longer about 2-4cm in the front along my hairline and frontal/core regions. I'm thinking of having an HT to increase density and rebuild my hairline but I'm worried I'm going to make it worse than it already by getting a HT done with miniaturized hairs (especially since my hair is diffused thinning). Docs I've read about say shock loss is rare but they also say miniaturized hair could fall out (I presume they underplay the chances of both these things happening).




Can I get an unbiased view on what I should do or what are actual chances these smaller non-terminal hairs will fall out? I'm back on fin for about 11 months by the way. Do you think I should wait like 6 more months to hope fin grows these miniaturized hairs into terminal before getting a HT? Is it ok to get a HT even with these miniaturized hairs or could a HT make my situation worse?

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Are you able to provide a picture? It’s difficult to say without knowing the extent of your hair loss. Is it a bad idea? depends. How committed are you to medication? what are your expectations? Will you be open to having more than one surgery?

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Are you able to provide a picture? It’s difficult to say without knowing the extent of your hair loss. Is it a bad idea? depends. How committed are you to medication? what are your expectations? Will you be open to having more than one surgery?




But have more miniaturized hair than in pic in the front and temples


I'm a nw3v but diffusing on top more in the crown. My expectations to rebuild hairline and temples and for more density there. I possibly might be willing a 2nd ht for the crown assuming the 1st for the hairline is a success. I am committed to fin. But like said my main concern is possible loss of the miniaturized hairs and shock loss in other areas where grafts are placed/taken

Edited by mozaaje
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Shock loss occurs when recipient sites are created to close to existing follicles. As long as you have your head shaved and the doctor has glasses with magnification, you shouldn’t suffer too much shock loss. Your don’t appear to suffer from diffused MPB, at least not from that photo. In most cases, shock loss grows back, the only hairs that don’t grow back are so miniaturized that they don’t make a cosmetic difference anyway. Certainly keeping up with meds fin+min will help minimize the shock loss and how long it takes to come back.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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You don't look like a typical diffuse thinner, but most men with MPB will have some thinning beyond the obvious recession and bald spots. From what I see, you have a receding hairline in a typical Norwood 3 pattern and look like a before picture that would sit next to a photo of a fantastic hairline transplant. Pretty much every patient will have some miniaturised hairs left and they may or may not return after the procedure, but weren't really providing much coverage anyway. If Finasteride hasn't provoked any change in those hairs after 11 months then I doubt if it will at all.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


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You can get a hair transplant with miniaturized hairs however, do note that if hair is transplanted in between and around natural miniaturizing here, you have a good chance of experiencing shock lost to those miniaturizing hears. That loss may be permanent if those hairs were on their way out which likely, they were since they are miniaturized. Now if they were hair is starting to grow in from Rogaine for example, then those hairs would likely grow back as long as you continue using Rogaine after your hair transplant.


Alternately, you do need to consider net gain versus net loss. When I first started getting hair transplants, I had some hair left on top of my scalp but I knew based on the pattern and the miniaturization that I would lose it all. As a result, I took action to transplant the entire top even if it meant losing some natural hair. That natural hair was already on his way out due to male pattern baldness and it was only a matter of time until I lost it permanently anyway. So I didn’t mind if I lost that hair as long as it resulted in the net being with permanent, thick transplanted hair.


I hope this helps.



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