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Concealers, cap and tanning!

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Is it ok to start using concealers ie dermtach and toppick 20 days after ht?

Concealers are going to be up from 8 in the morning till 9 at night, is that ok, will it effect growth? can dermtach be applied after rogaine (in the morning)?

What about wearing a cap, can i wear a cap 20 days after operation? all day that is? not a loosly fit cap but a normal one.

Lastly what about tanning, when can someone start tanning?


My thanks in advance

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Is it ok to start using concealers ie dermtach and toppick 20 days after ht?

Concealers are going to be up from 8 in the morning till 9 at night, is that ok, will it effect growth? can dermtach be applied after rogaine (in the morning)?

What about wearing a cap, can i wear a cap 20 days after operation? all day that is? not a loosly fit cap but a normal one.

Lastly what about tanning, when can someone start tanning?


My thanks in advance

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  • Senior Member

Hey Luke,


After 20 days toppik is just fine. Eneven after 10 days it is.


I wouldn't recommend dermamatch for a good month or two. Your scalp is still sensitive. And from my understanding, it is hard to get out.


As for the ball cap, I've worn one less than a week after a procedure. Just make sure it isn't tight. Enough to grab the brim and move it freely without tentsion should be fine.


Tanning, do not tan with your head exposed for about 6 months. If you tan, then cover your hair with a towel. That will be fine.

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  • Senior Member

Luke1...I can answer a few of your questions.

The cap will be ok to wear normally after 20 days. I wore mine all day normally after 2 1/2 weeks.

The tanning, however, is different. My doctor advised me to cover my head when tanning until the 5 month mark. He said the rays can "kill" the grafts. We own a tanning bed and I'm almost 3 months post op so if I feel the need to lay in the tanning bed, I wear a shower cap to cover my head.

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  • Senior Member

Yes you can use dermatch and toppiks 20 days after HT. I believe dermtach can be used with rogain, but I would do it at the same time because it might get messy. If so, you want to put rogain on first, then let it dry (even use a hairdryer on cool temp) before appling dermatch. However, Toppiks can be used at the same time of Rogaine-- just put Hiarspray on afterwords-- I do this all the time.


Tanning should not be done for the first 3-4 months because your new grafts are growing and you dont want any UV or sun dammage to ruin anthing. IF you must tan or go to a tanning bed, I would still wait a couple of months then cover my head with a thick towel to keep the rays off the scalp.

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If an individual has to be in the sun for their profession or sports related, can they simply use a sun care product on the grafts with a high UV protection(banna boat,Hawaiian tropic,etc.) How about zinc oxide?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Gunner1886

I used dermmatch for about 3 weeks, as well as using my topicals.


Guess what? I swear my hair got thinner while I was applying the dermmatch. I think it somehow stops the minox from absorbing like it should, despite what the company that makes dermmatch claim.


It did with mine.

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