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Need Advise On What Products To Use To Thicken Up My Hair Line And Temples (PICS)

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  • Senior Member

Hey guys, I'd really appreciate some help here as I am quite lost what to do.


First it was crown, now temples are a concern and most recently front hairline is taking a hit. I'm 33, I exercise alot and am just generally a healthy eater.


I've been using Minoxidil for 2 years now, twice a day.


I was using Belgravia Centre for 2 years but I've only recently found out their prices are ridiculous and it's not the improvement I wished for in this period. From them I would get a 5% minoxidil and then a 12.5% cream Minoxidil. Recently switched to Kirkland Extra Strength 5% as I was paying to much for ones I was getting from a clinic.


I take a Biotin capsule a day.


I don't use any special shampoo. I do shampoo daily, every morning.




I've seen some people on this forum using DR REGENAPURE, does anyone recommend that for me and what exactly? The shampoo? Or the Conditioner or something else?


I find styling my hair a nightmare...I can never do it where I'm happy. I tend to use Hair Powder thickening products that seem to help me to style.


Since Minoxidil, the ends of my hair are really wavy/broken. So around 2x a week I use a Hair Oil in the night - this one specifically - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Thickening-Nourishing-Growth-Females-Children/dp/B074RCQ9W7




Recently I feel my front hairline is getting effected, I sent my pictures to someone a friend knows who is a Dr. and Translant Qualified Surgeon in London and he has diagnosed me as Norwood 2A. I'm meeting him tomorrow as I feel I may have to take that surgical route though I do not really want to.


On a side note, I did try Finastride a year ago but felt it gave me sexual side effects so I stopped it after 2 weeks.


What do people recommend for a case like this/mine?


Note: Just today I've ordered a Dermaroller after viewing a few people on the forum and youtube I want to try this out for the templates.




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Honestly, other than Propecia and Rogaine Foam (my preference), I don't think anything really works to thicken the hairline - well, except hair transplant surgery of course. There are shampoos and other "thickening" products that will fatten the hair follicles to make it appear thicker, but nothing that will regrow hair. Other members may have some thoughts that disagree with me, but I personally think all other products are a big waste of time and money.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Has Rogain Foam helped you? I havn't used it yet but I feel like since using Kirkland Minoxidil 5% I'm shedding more, after switching from the Minoxidil I was using before from Belgravia Centre


Propecia, I'm trying my best to not take it - I don't want to be forced to keep on taking a type of medication. Already Minoxidil is one, I know these things once your off it you can lose faster

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  • Senior Member

Shampoos, etc. are not going to work. Rogaine I feel doesn't do much, either. You look to be a great candidate for a HT, though. You probably wouldn't need many grafts.


What dose of Propecia were you on? I really really would try to get back on but lower the doses. I personally take 0.5mg per day and have been for almost 3 years now. I have had minimal side effects and I don't feel my hair has gotten any worse in these 3 years. I don't feel it would be any better on 1mg per day....but I bet the side effects would be much more noticeable.


There are people on the forum who take Propecia every other day.....or even a 0.50mg twice per week. It seems to work well for them.


Looking back on my hair loss...I tried a million things, too, and none of them really worked until I had a HT and the Propecia. I wish I had started the Propecia 10-12 years ago because I would have been in great shape without any HT.

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