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Scalp PRP near Chicago?

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Hello everyone,


New to this forum and after some searches, I can't say I found what I'm looking for.


My goals:

1. First only non surgical options and will save FUE for the future.

2. Rely on Finasteride. I don't see myself sticking to Rogaine foam twice a day meaning before bed.

3. Restore density in mid scalp and near hairline area. My hair is primarily thinning.



1. Should PRP always include Acell or the other ECMs?

2. If the front and mid scalp need to be focused on, how much volume is usually injected?

3. How often are the injections done initially? I see varying intervals!

4. Cost per year for PRP?

5. Recommendations from patients on place to visit near Chicago? I obviously don't want gimmicks.



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  • Senior Member

Looks like you just joined this community, so welcome ChiGuy.


Most of your questions can only be answered by a licensed physician.


My recommendation would be to contact Dr. Konior's office in the Chicago area. He is highly recommended in this community and would be able to answer all of your questions.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Senior Member
Hello everyone,


New to this forum and after some searches, I can't say I found what I'm looking for.


My goals:

1. First only non surgical options and will save FUE for the future.

2. Rely on Finasteride. I don't see myself sticking to Rogaine foam twice a day meaning before bed.

3. Restore density in mid scalp and near hairline area. My hair is primarily thinning.



1. Should PRP always include Acell or the other ECMs?

2. If the front and mid scalp need to be focused on, how much volume is usually injected?

3. How often are the injections done initially? I see varying intervals!

4. Cost per year for PRP?

5. Recommendations from patients on place to visit near Chicago? I obviously don't want gimmicks.




1. Yes

2. I dont know, but does it matter? Your not charged by volume. I think around 20-30 cc but I don't know.

3. Some do once, up to once a year, some do 2 a few months apart and then yearly. Cooley does it once.

4. Around $2500-$3000 I think, but it varies from place to place. It's not cheap to do when done with the angel system because to disposals aren't cheap, but it gives the best results imo.

5. Call Konior's office. He has a doc there that is doing it now with a protocol similar to Cooley's I think. I don't know a lot about yet because it's a new offering and I haven't been there since they started doing it.



Some people respond well, some less so, so at this point you kind of have to try it once to see if you're a responder. I have seen results from Cooley that are pretty amazing. He's in Charlotte and highly ethical if your willing to travel...he is a pioneer in PRP and between him and Greko has kind of written the book IMO.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Does Dr. Konior's office start you on the medication such as finasteride?

Or they simply are involved in surgical cases?


And anybody had bad side effects from scalp PRP? That are strictly from the treatment, not their ongoing hair loss.

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Some guys have reported some shock loss from PRP treatments that did not have surgery, just stand alone PRP. But to my knowledge, they are far and few between.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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