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Dr. Nadimi in Chicago?


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Hi everyone,


I was looking for Dr. Konior at Chicago Hair Institute but he's fully booked for about 1 year from now. So I had a consultation with Dr. Nadimi who also works at the clinic and she was nice and knowledgable, she is more available (I can book her 3 months from now). It's almost impossible to find her hair transplant works on the internet. I assume she might be good since she was trained by Dr. Konior and works in a reputable clinic. Since I live in the same area so this clinic is my best option.


Does anyone have any ideas about her skill? I'm at NW2, looking forward to FUE procedure, was suggested 1500 grafts.


Thank you!

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never seen her work but I know when I talked to Dr Konior he said she was an option with a shorter wait list and he recommended her highly so I doubt he'd put his stamp on anybody he didn't truly believe in. That said, you're a nw2 I would wait the year and get the best ( Konior himself) given your level of loss is minimal. I understand the urgency when you're further along but you should still be able to style and pass for not having obvious loss so you have the luxury of having time on your side.

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She is newer, that is why your not finding a lot of results online.


I will let you know in about 12-18 months from now :cool:


I just sent you a message. Do you mind sharing your experience with her (pre-opt, during operation, pics, etc.)? It seems like you are the only one in this forum that had a procedure by Dr. Nadimi.

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  • Senior Member
that is the longest waiting time I think I ever heard of getting a transplant scheduled, one year is huge waiting time,most clinics have a 3 month waiting period, dr.konior must be doing amazing work .


1st, Yes Konior is doing amazing work worthy of that wait but 2nd, it's not that uncommon. It is less common in the US but there are a few Euro docs with extensive waiting lists that would make a year seem quick.

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  • Regular Member
that is the longest waiting time I think I ever heard of getting a transplant scheduled, one year is huge waiting time,most clinics have a 3 month waiting period, dr.konior must be doing amazing work .


Couto in Spain is 3-5 years. He has remarkable FUE results, but a large part of it is related to the fact that he did some fairly high profile celebrity soccer/football players in Europe who were very open about their results, even posting them online.


Freitas takes about 4-5 months for even a consultation, with a wait time of 12-18 months *after* that.


The ratio of doctors to patients in Europe is a bit more asymmetric than it is here in the USA, combined with a relatively new class of upper middle class and wealthy, whereas the procedures have been mainstream on this side of the duck pond for longer.


Ultimately, if a doctor is busy, and still has a wait like that, he is doing something right. Don't rush the process and don't take anything for granted.


Remember: the early bird may get the worm, but second mouse gets the cheese.

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I also had a consultation with Dr Nadimi. I was hoping to see Dr Konior.

Having not seen any actual pictures of her work, I am very undecided if I

Should go with her or not. I'm at a Class III, and only want to keep what I have, and

Would be happy with a class II result.


She seemed knowledgeable, but maybe inexperienced?

Does anyone have any thoughts? Or experiences with her work?


Any feedback would be appreciated.

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Never heard of her, but if your gut is to go with Dr. Konior... than stick with your gut and wait out the year for him, he's awesome. Dont let local docs limit your choices on such a important decision. If you really dont want to travel far I would also highly suggest Dr. Ron Shapiro in minnesota, class act top notch. But whatever you do, do not settle on someone just cause they are easier to get in with.

You only live once...

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  • 1 month later...

I had a consultation with Dr. Nadimi on 9/2/17 to discuss a possible second hair transplant, she seemed very competent. She sent me a few pictures of work she had done a few days post op, but nothing showing the final result. I spoke to Dr. Konior over email and he assured me I would be in good hands, she worked side-by-side with Dr. Konior and uses his personally trained team to assist in surgeries. One thing I found interesting is that she prescribed me oral minoxidil at 1.25mg/day, they seem to be in the loop with what's working for other doctors as far as hair loss treatment. She most likely would have prescribed me propecia if I had not told her the drug literally makes me completely impotent.

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  • 8 months later...
  • Senior Member

I agree with “Arrie”. Don’t let the locality of the doctor drive your decision. I’m sure the doctors in your area are excellent but the additional cost of a plane ticket is not much compared to what your about to spend on a hair transplant. I don’t know what the cost per graft is in the Chicago area but I’m sure its quite expensive. I had my transplant done in South Carolina where it costs $4-5 per graft depending on the total number of grafts resulting in thousands of dollars in savings with more than excellent results. Best of luck to you.

I am an online representative for Carolina Hair Surgery & Dr. Mike Vories (Recommended on the Hair Transplant Network).

View John's before/after photos and videos:  http://www.MyFUEhairtransplant.com

You can email me at johncasper99@gmail.com

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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