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13th Day Post Op

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  • Regular Member

Hi Guys,


Im 13th day post op and ive had 3000 grafts. Since the 10th day ive been given instructions to wash my hair regular and in the shower use the pulp of my fingers to ease the scabs off the recipient area.


Ive also been given some wipes to use gently over the scabs and help speed up this process. Just wanted to confirm that it is ok to use these wipes?




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  • Regular Member

Hi Guys,


Im 13th day post op and ive had 3000 grafts. Since the 10th day ive been given instructions to wash my hair regular and in the shower use the pulp of my fingers to ease the scabs off the recipient area.


Ive also been given some wipes to use gently over the scabs and help speed up this process. Just wanted to confirm that it is ok to use these wipes?




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If your physician gave you these wipes, I'm sure they are fine. However, if you want our feedback, please give us more detail. What are they called and what are the ingredients? In my opinion, anything alcohol based should be avoided for the first couple months or it may further irritate the skin.


There is nothing you need to do to help facilitate transplanted hair growth. Some physician's feel that using Rogaine the first couple months may help speed up the inital growth process however, I haven't seen any clinical proof of this. But they will grow on their own :-).


Heal and grow well,



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