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Am I suitable for a HT? (Photos Attached)

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Hi all - Don't know where I'd be without this forum, so thank you to all.


Little about myself - 32 years old, been suffering hair loss from around 20. I have never taken any medication to treat it. I would be willing to try Minoxidil (not sure how useful that would be) but I am not willing to try Finasteride. I admit, the stories online have completely scared me. Even if it is a 1% chance only, it's not a chance I'm willing to take. Of course, I realize my chances of ''success'' are reduced by this choice.


I have spoken with a couple of reputable HT surgeons and they have all said it would be better with Fin, but not essential.


My concern now however, is am I suitable for a HT in the first place? My plan initially was to have around 3000 grafts (FUE) in the front and middle in my first transplant. Later, a second procedure to address the crown area and hopefully density.


I recently shaved my head just to be 100% sure I don't like the look and want to spend (large amounts) money getting a HT. And I don't like the shaved look unfortunately.


However, after shaving, it's becoming apparent that the crown loss will be significantly more extensive than I thought before I shaved. I believe I may be heading towards NW7 (:(). My father is in his 70's and he progressed to NW6 only a few years ago. Sadly, I'm far more advanced in terms of hair loss than he ever was (he had a full head of hair at my age! As do my brothers). I have never met any extended family so I do not know the extent of their hair loss. Although I know both sides of the family suffer from MPB.


Before shaving my head, I assumed the sides and back wouldn't drop too far. However, with the back appearing to be dropping quite low, does that mean I can expect the sides to follow suit shortly? I don't want to have a HT then the sides drop further leaving unnatural looking gaps. And because I'm worried I might be a NW7, I wont have enough donor hair to solve both the sides and the crown in the future (I was hoping to have enough donor to add density in the future too).


This is a great community here and any knowledge or experience that could help me in my predicament would be highly appreciated.


I really do not want to regret having a HT at all in the future so I am considering all options before definitively deciding.


I look forward to hearing some of your replies and advice.


Many thanks and apologies for the length of the post :)




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  • Senior Member

It's all about expectations. Without fin, you will in fact keep losing hair. If you will be satisfied with a nice hairline and midscalp but a balding crown then yes you are a candidate.

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Thank you for your reply E39 (I'm also a massive BMW fan btw).


Yes of course, I realize I will continue to lose my hair without getting on Fin - I'm alright with that. Like you said, I would be satisfied If I could reconstruct the hairline and gain some density mid-scalp with a view to having a second procedure later on to address the crown.


The questions that concern me are regarding my donor area.


a) Are there enough grafts available for my plan?


b) With the donor area looking like it is now, am I at greater risk of any scarring showing in the future?



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Reading this post we have so many similarities, my father isn't remotely as bald as I am in fact he's 60 years old with no grey hair and and Norwood 3 hairline. We don't always follow our immediate families hair loss pattern, a closer inspection in to your family history should reveal some important information, I found I followed my fathers uncles hair loss pattern, basically Norwood 6, unless you have Norwood 7 hair loss in your family I wouldn't bank on becoming a Norwood 7, I would say majority of Norwood 7 men at age 32 already have signs, will the sides drop further yes, you have high sides and I would expect you to be a Norwood 6 which means the sides would drop a bit, take a look at my threads, I had slightly more hair loss than you I have rebuilt my hairline mid scalp and have had minimal grafts to the crown. Do you plan on wearing your hair short? If not it might be a better idea to start with FUT as it would be a lot more economical.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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