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4100 Graft FUT Plunge with Dr. Bessam Farjo

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I finally did it. After lurking around here for ages, gathering lots of information on procedures and doctors, I went for the FUT HT with Dr. Farjo a few weeks back. First, thanks to all of you for the excellent information here in the forums. It really helped me out, so glad this forum exists.


After a few online consultations, it came down to Dr. Wong and Dr. Farjo. Everybody here knows Wong, the man is a Jedi, but Farjo... not so much info. So off to Manchester I went for a visit.


Mick welcomed me in, gave me the tour, and chatted with me about HT in an honest and straight forward manner. Dr. Farjo came a bit later, and also made a good impression, straight and honest. He graciously pointed out that I have a very large head... yes I'm aware! ... and figured we should be able to get "3000, maybe even 4000 grafts" from an FUT procedure. In line with the other consults I'd had.


So for various reasons, in the end I chose the Farjo Clinic. Much easier logistics, and a weak Pound, but above all a doctor that knew his shit and left me without any doubts. His website is the same, straight forward and full of the same sort of honest information that I found here in the forums.


It was a long day, 7:30am at the clinic, 8:30 in the chair and we were off. All the staff were extremely pleasant, everything went according to plan, I finally left the clinic at 7:30pm with a terrible hat on my head :cool: and found a pizza joint on the way home. What a long day...




  • 4085 Grafts
  • 572 singles
  • 2431 doubles
  • 1082 triples and quads

It was a relief to have the staples removed yesterday, seriously annoying those things. While waiting for my head to heal a bit, I wore a GWinner Unisex Bandana Dryline when out, available at Amazon (of course) and highly recommend it. Now the waiting begins.. I will keep this thread updated.








Edited by DoubleEspresso
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Congrats on your procedure DE and thanks for posting. That's a nice number of grafts and should make a big difference.


You look to have healed well, now the waiting game!

I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Regular Member

I'm back. Man, looking at those pictures above, it all seems so long ago...!


The waiting sucks, there is no way to sugar coat that. The scar on the back of my head still itches in one particular spot, but other than that all is well. Numbness is more or less gone, that took a while, and my head isn't quite as sensitive to the sun as it was a couple weeks ago. I've had two haircuts and returned to normal shampoo, even swimming is a non issue.


12 weeks have passed, and ever so slowly the transplanted hair is showing signs of growth. Hard to see in the picture unless you look hard enough (and trust me I do!!). It was again taken outside, and I'm looking forward to the next couple months... Grow baby Grow!!


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Looking forward to seeing the final result. Happy growing

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For starters, a double espresso sounds really good right about now since I'm exhausted lol. But I'm excited for you that the transplanted hair is beginning to grow, even at this early stage. As I'm sure you know, 12 weeks or just about 3 months is exceptionally early so to see any new signs of growth at this stage is remarkable. I hope you are very pleased but clearly, this is only the beginning.


Best wishes,



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Hi Bill! I was honestly just a bit surprised that you said 12 weeks is early. From what I've read around here, I kinda thought that was the norm to start seeing something happening. I feel I compare the the photo below to the one above pre op, there is a difference I think. Two close friends that know about my HT both think that there is definitely more hair, and it's probably just my imagination but the ladies are taking a longer look too :rolleyes:


Please don't misunderstand, it is early days and I HOPE for plenty more growth to come!


What would you consider a normal time frame? Dr. Farjo suggested an 8 month check-up, I'm at 14 weeks now and so far so good!


Edited by DoubleEspresso
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Definitely looks like some early growth beginning there DE. Glad you've healed up ok and made it through 'the doldrums' - those first couple of months are the worst part. Dr. Farjo will have suggested an eight months check up as at that stage you're well on the way to seeing the final result (though further growth can often happen even then, along with maturing and thickening of the hair).


Thanks for updating and happy growing!

I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Just over 16 weeks since my procedure, and I want to shout from the rooftops how much I love my new hair!!!


It's really quite amazing to look in the mirror and see a bit of a hairline again...my barber summed it up well: "You've had a hair explosion on your head"


If you're considering HT, do. it. Find a good, reputable doc, don't worry too much about the cost, and get it done. I look so much better, so much younger...and it's still very early days. I only wish I had done it a couple years ago. I haven't the slightest reservation about recommending the Farjo clinic, but it is of course the only doctor I know.


The top picture is from a year ago, the bottom from a week ago. Similar lighting, similar angle. AWESOME! Thanks Doc!!


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