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Dr. Erdogan Experiences?


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This is my first time on forum..been experiencing hairloss in front for 5 Years..i think its time to do something about that..been researching a lot,and name that keep coming up is dr erdogan in Istanbul ..any experiences ,please help

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Welcome! I took the liberty of moving your post to its own thread where it will get more exposure. You may or may not know that Dr. Koray Erdogan is recommended by the Hair Transplant Network.


Dr. Erdogan has an excellent reputation. I suggest using this forum's search feature to find results posted by patients as well as the clinic.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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I've meet with Dr.Erdogan himself for consultation and I believe everything posted about him is exaggerated. Let me tell you what I've observed during all the meeting.

1) He does not ask you what you expect or want. He simply begins the conversation with what he can do and want to do. It is like that your plan or request in mind does not matter to him.

2) He is all about advertising. I mean, when I was waiting in the lounge I had these papers to fill up. First page is about your situation but second page is completely about "where did you hear of us" and there a lot of forums around the world listed on the paper. This forum is just one among the other over dozen forums.

3) Take a real, I mean real, look at the Before/After photos. In before photos, hair is wet and combed under bright light in order to show the scalp beneath the hair. When you look at the photos, you think "Wow! My situation is really worse than I've thought." However, in the after photos, hairs are completely dry and bulky as if it's adjusted. Not wet, not combed to show scalp. So, it seems tricky to me. Photos are not taken under equal conditions.

4) He is extremely picky. He cares about foreigner customers more than Turkish customers. In fact, his website is in almost every language except Turkish. You know, there are forums in Turkish for people in Turkey. They think of Dr. Erdogan ridiculously expensive. And most of them were turn down by the doctor himself with any kind of excuse. It is like there is a standard to be a patient of him.

5) Many people have written about the pill issue. He would want you to take Finansterid, Minoxidil and etc. before the surgery and want you to use for regular long period after the surgery. He, then which is the issue, wants you to use the pills forever. So, 2 years after the surgery, if you decide to quit all pills and sprayings, you will face some consequences that you may not like. Basically, you are chained to pills or he doesn't accept your case.


These are only my opinions and observations about his work. I've read and viewed a lot of cases of him in my quest to find good doctor for myself. I think the best ones are in US. Turkey is not a hair-transplant paradise as much as you think. If you would have known Turkish and read the comments written by locals, then you would understand.

I hope I've helped.

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While I have not had my hair transplant procedure with Dr. Erdogan, I did have the privilege of learning more about his procedure, technique and experience in the initial pre-screening process before we presented him for potential recommendation on the Hair Transplant Network. I was very impressed and the community was also since everyone collectively approved his recommendation on this community.


In my opinion, I would not hesitate to consult with him and have my next hair transplant procedure with him.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member
I've meet with Dr.Erdogan himself for consultation and I believe everything posted about him is exaggerated. Let me tell you what I've observed during all the meeting.

1) He does not ask you what you expect or want. He simply begins the conversation with what he can do and want to do. It is like that your plan or request in mind does not matter to him.

2) He is all about advertising. I mean, when I was waiting in the lounge I had these papers to fill up. First page is about your situation but second page is completely about "where did you hear of us" and there a lot of forums around the world listed on the paper. This forum is just one among the other over dozen forums.

3) Take a real, I mean real, look at the Before/After photos. In before photos, hair is wet and combed under bright light in order to show the scalp beneath the hair. When you look at the photos, you think "Wow! My situation is really worse than I've thought." However, in the after photos, hairs are completely dry and bulky as if it's adjusted. Not wet, not combed to show scalp. So, it seems tricky to me. Photos are not taken under equal conditions.

4) He is extremely picky. He cares about foreigner customers more than Turkish customers. In fact, his website is in almost every language except Turkish. You know, there are forums in Turkish for people in Turkey. They think of Dr. Erdogan ridiculously expensive. And most of them were turn down by the doctor himself with any kind of excuse. It is like there is a standard to be a patient of him.

5) Many people have written about the pill issue. He would want you to take Finansterid, Minoxidil and etc. before the surgery and want you to use for regular long period after the surgery. He, then which is the issue, wants you to use the pills forever. So, 2 years after the surgery, if you decide to quit all pills and sprayings, you will face some consequences that you may not like. Basically, you are chained to pills or he doesn't accept your case.


These are only my opinions and observations about his work. I've read and viewed a lot of cases of him in my quest to find good doctor for myself. I think the best ones are in US. Turkey is not a hair-transplant paradise as much as you think. If you would have known Turkish and read the comments written by locals, then you would understand.

I hope I've helped.


soncular yapma yalan

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  • Regular Member
I've meet with Dr.Erdogan himself for consultation and I believe everything posted about him is exaggerated. Let me tell you what I've observed during all the meeting.

1) He does not ask you what you expect or want. He simply begins the conversation with what he can do and want to do. It is like that your plan or request in mind does not matter to him.

2) He is all about advertising. I mean, when I was waiting in the lounge I had these papers to fill up. First page is about your situation but second page is completely about "where did you hear of us" and there a lot of forums around the world listed on the paper. This forum is just one among the other over dozen forums.

3) Take a real, I mean real, look at the Before/After photos. In before photos, hair is wet and combed under bright light in order to show the scalp beneath the hair. When you look at the photos, you think "Wow! My situation is really worse than I've thought." However, in the after photos, hairs are completely dry and bulky as if it's adjusted. Not wet, not combed to show scalp. So, it seems tricky to me. Photos are not taken under equal conditions.

4) He is extremely picky. He cares about foreigner customers more than Turkish customers. In fact, his website is in almost every language except Turkish. You know, there are forums in Turkish for people in Turkey. They think of Dr. Erdogan ridiculously expensive. And most of them were turn down by the doctor himself with any kind of excuse. It is like there is a standard to be a patient of him.

5) Many people have written about the pill issue. He would want you to take Finansterid, Minoxidil and etc. before the surgery and want you to use for regular long period after the surgery. He, then which is the issue, wants you to use the pills forever. So, 2 years after the surgery, if you decide to quit all pills and sprayings, you will face some consequences that you may not like. Basically, you are chained to pills or he doesn't accept your case.


These are only my opinions and observations about his work. I've read and viewed a lot of cases of him in my quest to find good doctor for myself. I think the best ones are in US. Turkey is not a hair-transplant paradise as much as you think. If you would have known Turkish and read the comments written by locals, then you would understand.

I hope I've helped.


I’ve had my hair transplant procedure in ASMED and most of your claims are wrong.


1) First of all, he asks what you expect and want. Of course he will state his opinions before yourself because he is the professional and your are the client. He listens and your requests matter to him, in fact he changed my hairline upon my request. Why wouldn’t he do something if it is reasonable?


2) It is a World Class clinic and those are typical questions. Why are you criticising his advertising or marketing approaches? Just LOOK at his results! If he is a good surgeon with good results, why is it bothering you? What is your point?


3) Your are giving wrong information again, he also puts after photos with wet hair. People are not stupid and he is smart enough not to try those cheap tricks. Those are the tricks and illusions that average surgeons do. I don’t think you can talk negative about the success rate of his hair transplants, I haven’t seen a bad one.


4) Yes he is picky. In hair transplant, apart from the surgeon, hair quality is the most important factor. He is not one of those surgeons who would work on anyones hair to make more money. He has work ethics and professional enough that he doesn’t want to work on something which he doesn’t believe it would be successful at the end. He has a good reputation and wants to keep it!


5) He did not want to me to take Finasteride or Minoxidil, your are giving wrong information again. Even though I’ve been on fin for 3 years, he said I have enough donor for future and I don’t have to take fin. However, I know that for some clients who have weak donor, he suggest you to take Fin and I believe it is a must.


I don’t know why are you stating all those wrong and negative comments about someone who has proved himself for years in this field. He is even teaching some unique skills like “KEEP” to the world class surgeons in his workshops. I believe we are lucky to have someone like Koray Erdogan and he is the best surgeon in hair transplant industry. Before and after photos don’t lie!

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  • Regular Member
I've meet with Dr.Erdogan himself for consultation and I believe everything posted about him is exaggerated. Let me tell you what I've observed during all the meeting.

1) He does not ask you what you expect or want. He simply begins the conversation with what he can do and want to do. It is like that your plan or request in mind does not matter to him.

2) He is all about advertising. I mean, when I was waiting in the lounge I had these papers to fill up. First page is about your situation but second page is completely about "where did you hear of us" and there a lot of forums around the world listed on the paper. This forum is just one among the other over dozen forums.

3) Take a real, I mean real, look at the Before/After photos. In before photos, hair is wet and combed under bright light in order to show the scalp beneath the hair. When you look at the photos, you think "Wow! My situation is really worse than I've thought." However, in the after photos, hairs are completely dry and bulky as if it's adjusted. Not wet, not combed to show scalp. So, it seems tricky to me. Photos are not taken under equal conditions.

4) He is extremely picky. He cares about foreigner customers more than Turkish customers. In fact, his website is in almost every language except Turkish. You know, there are forums in Turkish for people in Turkey. They think of Dr. Erdogan ridiculously expensive. And most of them were turn down by the doctor himself with any kind of excuse. It is like there is a standard to be a patient of him.

5) Many people have written about the pill issue. He would want you to take Finansterid, Minoxidil and etc. before the surgery and want you to use for regular long period after the surgery. He, then which is the issue, wants you to use the pills forever. So, 2 years after the surgery, if you decide to quit all pills and sprayings, you will face some consequences that you may not like. Basically, you are chained to pills or he doesn't accept your case.


These are only my opinions and observations about his work. I've read and viewed a lot of cases of him in my quest to find good doctor for myself. I think the best ones are in US. Turkey is not a hair-transplant paradise as much as you think. If you would have known Turkish and read the comments written by locals, then you would understand.

I hope I've helped.


I just received my hair transplant 2 days ago with Dr.Koray of Asmed. Everything you mentioned was the exact opposite for me. He asked me my opinion, he takes both wet and dry pictures for you "Before Pics". He recommends to get on fin. One of his patients that did a does YouTube videos openly says that he is not on Fin and will not ever be. His YouTube name is Htfanboy if you want to look him up. And Dr.Koray still performed the procedure. I live in the Untied States. It costs $8-$14 per graft in the United States. Asmed charges 2.50 euro per graft. It's almost 1/4-1/3 of the price at Asmed. Overall I am very happy with my experience at Asmed. I'm just not sure how you gathered all of your information.

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So how was your Experience..Are you happy so far??What meds,vitamins are they giving.is it for the rest of life or up to a year


Well it's tough to say how my result will be because I am only 2 days out. But the surgery went well, and i am happy with how they performed everything. I will be on Fin for at least a year to help thicken up my existing hair. He gave me a years worth of it. He doesn't require anything. No one can ever that say you absolutely have to do something. I think most people really need an education on hairloss. Finestride doesn't guarantee that you will not lose more hair. In most people it helps thicken your original hair and donor hair in the back. it's the patients choice whether they want to use it or not. It will help save your hair which why they recommend it.

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Don't get me wrong please. I don't say the doctor is bad or terrible. On the contrary, he is really experienced and dedicated HT surgeon that would be terrific choice of. But, there is dark side of moon. On turkish forums he used to be topic most debated on by Turkish people. Many people think he is really great but lacks a doctor's ethic and courage. He mostly looks like a bussines man rather than doctor. Of course, it may be hard to believe that for you. Anyhow, he would be an excellent choice for HT even though there are 2 sides of a coin.

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Every HT doctor is a businessman. HT is an elective surgery, so doctors are NOT here to help people. They are here to provide a SERVICE for patients. You can't say because he's more of a businessman therefore he's not ethical. Ethics is something else. I would agree with you that if he took ANY patient, no matter whether the patient is a good candidate for HT or not. That would be unethical. But I've seen Dr. Erdogan turn people away for either having bad donor or the results they are aiming for could not be achieved.

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