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Hi All,


I'm a 28 years old Indian male living in Singapore, new to this forum and this is my first post.


So I started losing my hair about 9 years ago.

I've been careless about my condition, due to other stuff I considered higher priority.

Didn't try any medications or treatments so far and as a consequence I'm Norwood 5A now.

Presently I'm much more financially stable to consider the option of surgery.

A physician previously said that its a genetic condition. It runs in the family because my dad lost his hair pretty early too.

I have also consulted a surgeon in India. He suggested 4000 grafts for my loss.


Looking for some answer before I go ahead:

1. With a properly executed FUE, how long should I expect the hair to last before I start losing again?

2. How is the density like? Is it just like natural hair or you need to style your hair to make it look denser than it really is?


Being a newbie to the transplant scene, please provide your valuable advice or any other info that you might have.


Attaching some pics here.


Thank you in advance!





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  • Senior Member

You are not on meds. At age 28 , you lost quite a bit but still have native hairs in and around areas the doctor may address. In this case, you should wait and see if you have further loss next 2 years at least. Just to gauge how aggressive isnyour loss. Right now you have pictures to track it.


You dont want to lose more hair and chase and get another restoration to keep up with the loss.


Its never too late to start meds and if the doctor suggests it is ok for you to donso, you should consider them.



1- in your situation now, it is hard to tell. Fue will last but further loss can cause issues.


2- density is based on several factors, the cm2 doc places in certain zones. It also has to do with your own hair caliber, whether it is thick or thin.


You got some great docs in India. Dr Bhatti in Chandigarh is one of them. He handles large fue cases like this. Always good to get multiple doc opinions.


Best of luck

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Welcome to our hair restoration forum. Sean has given you some good advice. Although I think there are multiple approaches you can take here. At 27 I had my first hair transplant and I only just started on the hair loss medication Propecia. In fact, my hair loss pattern looked a lot like yours. I underwent 4 hair transplant procedures over 5 years and restored a large portion of my hair. Now, with only a thinning look in the back, I have a pretty good looking head of hair. I understand why people suggest waiting to try medication. But simply put, it's not always the "right" move. You will have to determine for yourself (with some research of course) as to whether or not hair transplant surgery is a good move right now. If you have realistic expectations, I think you very well could be. My best advice right now however, is to be careful who you select to do your hair transplant. Picking the right surgeon is vital to ensure getting the very best results. To see who we recommend, click here.


Best wishes,



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Welcome to the Hair Transplant Network.


The best advice anyone can give you is do research! Its so important to see what all your options are. There are medications you can use which can help hold onto the hair you still have. Its important to hold onto/slow down the progression of hair loss.

As far as a surgery I'm sure you would be a good candidate for either the strip technique or the FUE technique. This is where you'll have to do some further research on what is best for you.

Good Luck to you! ;)

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I also echo the recommendation to do more research so you have a good foundation of knowledge regarding not only the benefits of hair restoration but also the risks. Making a decision regarding a HT procedure should only be made as a well informed decision.


Now, I opened the photo of the top view of your scalp and it's clear that you have an advanced diffused pattern of loss going on. In time, you are headed for a Norwood class 6 and probably sooner than you would like.


The continued progression of loss will not stabilize unless you start on low dose finasteride and something you should converse and get advice with a licensed physician who is experienced in treating MPB in men, medicinally speaking.


I am not saying you should start finasteride as that would be unethical for me to do but strongly recommending that you meet with a physician to discuss it. Otherwise you are destined to lose the remaining hair that is left on top of your scalp. At the same time you can get your donor evaluated.


So get fully informed on the medicinal side of things first and then you can always make decisions regarding surgical restoration later.


Best wishes to you...;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Thank you Sean, Bill, Hairprincess and gillenator for your advice and insight.


Indeed I need to do more research into this before jumping to conclusions.

I'll consult more doctors to see what would be the best option for me.

Singapore is quite an expensive place!

So I'll plan a trip to India and visit the doctors there.


The list is quite helpful, Bill. Thank you!


I'll update you guys after the visit.



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Look forward to it!....;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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