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Dr Pathomvanich (Bangkok, Thailand) - 3437 grafts - Dec 27. 2016


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Two days ago on 27 December 2016 I had my hair transplant by Dr. Pathomvanich and his team in Bangkok, Thailand at DHT Clinic. It was done by the FUT (strip) method. Dr Pathomvanich recommended this due to the number of grafts which I required.


I received the following:


  • 684 one hair grafts;
  • 108 one and a half hairs;
  • 1816 two hair grafts; and
  • 829 three hair grafts and four hair grafts.


Total Grafts: 3437.


These grafts were densely packed from the front.


I have a small head so hopefully this means that will be a lot. Hopefully I'll be back next year to complete the job as the crown was not really touched. Perhaps the density could also be improved a bit more if the result isn't quite to what I expected (although I am sure it will be).


During my pre-op consultation they were very open about the risks of FUE as opposed to FUT and I believe the right decision has been made. At least I will still have a high quality donor area for future procedures if I decide to do them.


The procedure was very painless, I was surprised how painless it was. I pretty much slept through a lot of it. I woke up wanting to go to the bathroom thinking it was only two hours into the procedure when in fact it was almost done!


Below are some before and after photos.


I'll keep you updated over the next few months with new photos as the transplants grow in.




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Yesterday (28 December 2016)I went in for my initial check and initial shampooing and everything seemed fine. There was no new bleeding from the FUT strip which is good so therefore I don't need to keep a dressing on it.


I am still wearing the headband in order to stop the swelling of the face which happens sometimes after a hair transplant.


I went in today (29 December 2016) for another check for any sign of infection and they found some pimples on some of the follicles. They have cleaned these up and have prescribed a stronger antibiotic in an attempt to stop this from happening again. I am also going to be using antiseptic shampoo instead of baby shampoo when washing my hair.


It is also worth noting I have stated to take propecia as of a few weeks ago. Not so much to gain new hair (I understand this is very rare), but to both maintain my current hair as well as make my thinning hair thicker if at all possible, therefore making the transplant even better. But I am also realistic that this might not happen. One good thing is that I have had no side effects from the propecia (yet), so hoping that I don't :-)


Dr Pathomvanich has requested I go in again tomorrow due to the pimples which were found today so they can check to see the new antibiotics are working.


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I just went in for a check up since starting the new antibiotics and things have improved a lot. Yesterday I had probably around 50 pustules which they cleaned up, whereas today since starting the antibiotics yesterday afternoon I only had 10. I have acne prone skin so this is probably the reason.


Dr Path said that they were all very superficial and not a deep infection so there was no risk to the follicles.


My head is healing well, the redness is not like it was on day one. However I am still wearing the headband due to the swelling and probably will still wear it for the next day or two.


I have also been using since the transplant a Liposomal ATP (adenosine triphosphate) spray which I have applied around every two hours, which supposedly provides energy to the follicles during the initial healing process.


Dr Path and all the other Dr's as well as the nurses have been really great. I highly recommend them if you're considering a hair transplant.


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I went in today for my 4th day check up and only a few pustules were found, all were superficial so not affecting the grafts. The nurse there said I looked worried and she reassured me that it happens in some patients that are acne prone and that there is nothing to worry about and that everything is coming along good.


You can probably see some brown spots on my scalp, that is the iodine antiseptic which she applied after Dr Path removed the pustules.


The scar looks good (even though I cant actually see it). However I can feel it and it feels very smooth with the only real unevenness from the sutures which are still there.


I am no longer wearing the headband. There is still some swelling however I believe if the swelling was to migrate down my face, at this stage it would not be that bad and would pass very quickly.


Today is sort of a public holiday in Thailand (being New Years Eve) so a lot of places are closed. However, Dr Path was in his office this morning checking his patients making sure everything is fine until they reopen on the 4th of January. I will keep saying it, but I highly recommend Dr Path and his team for anyone considering a hair transplant.


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108 one and a half hairs;

What exactly is a one and half graft?


Seems from your hair counts you would have needed more densely transplanted work, due to the lower number of threes and fours. Also the post op pics are not as dense as some others from Dr. Path I've seen and I can see some scalp gaps.


I'm worried about the density to be honest, but hope it works out for you.

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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I went in today for my 4th day check up and only a few pustules were found, all were superficial so not affecting the grafts. The nurse there said I looked worried and she reassured me that it happens in some patients that are acne prone and that there is nothing to worry about and that everything is coming along good.


You can probably see some brown spots on my scalp, that is the iodine antiseptic which she applied after Dr Path removed the pustules.


The scar looks good (even though I cant actually see it). However I can feel it and it feels very smooth with the only real unevenness from the sutures which are still there.


I am no longer wearing the headband. There is still some swelling however I believe if the swelling was to migrate down my face, at this stage it would not be that bad and would pass very quickly.


Today is sort of a public holiday in Thailand (being New Years Eve) so a lot of places are closed. However, Dr Path was in his office this morning checking his patients making sure everything is fine until they reopen on the 4th of January. I will keep saying it, but I highly recommend Dr Path and his team for anyone considering a hair transplant.


Hi Bravo, thanks for posting on my thread :-)


Good luck with the progress of your HT - 3437 grafts will make a huge difference!! Keep us updated

3185 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 2/17/16



1204 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 3/27/17



---> total of 4389 grafts to my frontal third via FUT

---> 1mg finasteride daily since 1999:)

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108 one and a half hairs;

What exactly is a one and half graft?


Seems from your hair counts you would have needed more densely transplanted work, due to the lower number of threes and fours. Also the post op pics are not as dense as some others from Dr. Path I've seen and I can see some scalp gaps.


I'm worried about the density to be honest, but hope it works out for you.


I am planning on coming back next year to have another procedure. I have naturally fine hair so I will need a second procedure in my opinion. I am also starting on propecia which I am hoping will be able to help with the crown and therefore we can focus more on the front.

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Ok I think it would have been a wiser decision to really densely fill the hairline and frontal third first, then go back for the vertex and crown later in surgery #2, this is because it is much easier to densely pack into virgin scalp then it is to transplant in between existing hairs.


Anyway, agreed the Fin use should give you an added boost!

good healing to you

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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Ok I think it would have been a wiser decision to really densely fill the hairline and frontal third first, then go back for the vertex and crown later in surgery #2, this is because it is much easier to densely pack into virgin scalp then it is to transplant in between existing hairs.


Anyway, agreed the Fin use should give you an added boost!

good healing to you


I can only trust a good job was done and I believe it was. I have very fine hair and have had fine hair since I was very young. So it has to match the rest of my hair.


I just did a close up which I think is a little bit more accurate, however the camera on my phone doesn't pick up everything.


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I can only trust a good job was done and I believe it was. I have very fine hair and have had fine hair since I was very young. So it has to match the rest of my hair.


As fellow hair loss sufferers we are all routing for you man, and I tried to relay the same advice to you about two months before your surgery in your previous thread as important points to consider.


You are 33 and still very young and from my past surgeries and experience and also as someone having fine hair you shouldn't have to settle for less in terms of density. I think you're settling for too less here.

It is really possible to restore your hair densely but it has to be planned right.


It might work out especially with starting Fin, but if the hairs near the scalp gaps I'm seeing are only mostly 1-2 hair grafts as indicated by the above hair counts you posted, density will become an issue when it grows out. I hope I'm wrong.

(*Btw I'm saying this also for others reading the thread, not specifically directed only at you).


Good healing to you and keep the grafts safe til at least post-op day 10 when they are permanent.

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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As fellow hair loss sufferers we are all routing for you man, and I tried to relay the same advice to you about two months before your surgery in your previous thread as important points to consider.


You are 33 and still very young and from my past surgeries and experience and also as someone having fine hair you shouldn't have to settle for less in terms of density. I think you're settling for too less here.

It is really possible to restore your hair densely but it has to be planned right.


It might work out especially with starting Fin, but if the hairs near the scalp gaps I'm seeing are only mostly 1-2 hair grafts as indicated by the above hair counts you posted, density will become an issue when it grows out. I hope I'm wrong.

(*Btw I'm saying this also for others reading the thread, not specifically directed only at you).


Good healing to you and keep the grafts safe til at least post-op day 10 when they are permanent.


I understand where you're coming from and I do appreciate your advice. But when I look in the mirror I can actually see where the one, two, three and four hair grafts are (I have good eye sight) and I think the result will hopefully be good. If not it'll be much better on the second pass which I have already factored in.


I knew going into this that there was no way I would get the result I really want with just one pass, given how fine my hair is.


Even on the photo of my hair before the HT surgery (on the first post), there are actually quite a few vellus hairs (believe it or not quite a lot of them), that just aren't picked up with the camera due to the colour of my scalp and hair. While I know propecia works mainly around the crown, I hopefully am one of the lucky ones where it will work on the vellus hairs which are on the front and midscalp.

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It is 9 days post op and as you can see I have been working the crusts off (Dr Path recommended the use of virgin olive oil) so now the hair looks a bit more fluffy I guess.


I think I am fully healed at this stage (except for the donor area of course) so now it is just a case of removing the rest of the crusts over the next few days and also for the discoloration of my skin to subside.


As I have said, next year I plan on adding more density through a second procedure.


I am looking forward to having the sutures removed in the next few days as I find them extremely irritating, but I have read pretty much everyone finds that the case.


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It is 9 days post op and as you can see I have been working the crusts off (Dr Path recommended the use of virgin olive oil) so now the hair looks a bit more fluffy I guess.


I think I am fully healed at this stage (except for the donor area of course) so now it is just a case of removing the rest of the crusts over the next few days and also for the discoloration of my skin to subside.


As I have said, next year I plan on adding more density through a second procedure.


I am looking forward to having the sutures removed in the next few days as I find them extremely irritating, but I have read pretty much everyone finds that the case.


Any updates Bravo?

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