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Losing hairs/possible grafts one week on?

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So I am now a week and a day post surgery (Tue 11th) and today for the first time I was a little more firmer with washing the recipient area. This was on the advice of the clinic who said I should be scab free by day 10 and to be firmer when washing.


Anyway, I did just that this morning and I definalely loosened a few scabs. But I noticed literally one or two hairs too. Now one looks totally like a graft (see pic) while the other one or two looks just like short hairs and could even be just natural shedding from the donor or areas not implanted by the HT. What do you guys think? Totally looks like a 2 hair graft to me. When you washed your hair one week post surgery, did you see many hairs or even grafts? I appreciate that not every single graft will take but curious as to whether others have seen similar? BTW would the Dermal Papilla still possibly be intact even if the rest of the graft has fallen?


Despite today's slightly firmer wash, as you can see from today's pic below, I stil have lots of scabs to clear. My main concern right now is that more grafts or hairs might come off with the scabs over the next few days. :mad: I wouldn't be too concerned with the odd one, but the front already looks quite sparse so it's worrying to think I could loose more. Also now worrying that the front (at least at this stage) is going to look very thin by the time I go back to work on Monday. I was hoping at least for a week or so I'd just look like I had a buzz cut. :confused:


What do you guys think? What was your experience with washing and seeing hairs fall at this stage?


Edit. Just looked in the bath (kept plug in so I could see what I was washing out) and I found 2 more fallen grafts. :mad:




Edited by JustJax
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You will lose hairs as part of the transplant process especially after day 7 onward, but unless their was bleeding (accompanied often with pain) you most likely did not lose a graft.


At 8 days you still need to be a bit gentle and you're almost at the all important 10-day mark.

Try not to stress over it, and read this if you need reassurance.



The study showed that for the first two days, pulling on a hair always resulted in a lost graft, but the chance of the graft being removed started to decrease by the third day. By the sixth day pulling on a hair would no longer dislodge the graft. Pulling on an adherent scab always resulted in a lost graft through day five, with the incidence decreasing through day eight. However, by nine days post-op, grafts were no longer at risk of being dislodged.

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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I could be wrong but the follecular unit is still there its the external shell that fell off.

Thanks, I'm cautiously optimistic that you are right. I've been Googling this morning and that's settled my nerves a little.

You will lose hairs as part of the transplant process especially after day 7 onward, but unless their was bleeding (accompanied often with pain) you most likely did not lose a graft.


At 8 days you still need to be a bit gentle and you're almost at the all important 10-day mark.

Try not to stress over it, and read this if you need reassurance.



The study showed that for the first two days, pulling on a hair always resulted in a lost graft, but the chance of the graft being removed started to decrease by the third day. By the sixth day pulling on a hair would no longer dislodge the graft. Pulling on an adherent scab always resulted in a lost graft through day five, with the incidence decreasing through day eight. However, by nine days post-op, grafts were no longer at risk of being dislodged.

Thanks Hsrp10, I found that study too. I was a little firmer today but still very gentle in reality. Clinic have advised me to be firmer and have said that grafts are now safe but I will still be fairly conservative with the washing until I have passed the 10 mark. Would rather air on th side of caution and have the scabs an extra day or two.

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Would rather air on the side of caution and have the scabs an extra day or two.


Yep that's been my approach in all my subsequent procedures after my first one. I follow the doc's post-op instructions as much is sensible including washing technique but when in doubt I just try to leave everything alone including any crusting/dandruff/residual scabs until after that all important day 10 has passed.


Handy spray bottle filled with purified water is my best friend for the last couple of days until then.

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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I had my procedure on the 12th with Dr.Konior. Post op instructions are similar, wait till day 7 to gently massage the grafted area when washing. I decided to wait till day 10 for this as well. I've washed the back of my head and used a cup to gently let water and shampoo foam flow towards the grafted area. Saline water purified water is from a spray bottle is what I've been using 3-4 times a day. I'd say your situation is of the norm and I wouldn't stress it. Expect shock loss, and the growth starts shortly after. Fin/rogaine also help promote early growth, so I'd suggest that as well. Best of luck!

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Would rather air on the side of caution and have the scabs an extra day or two.


Yep that's been my approach in all my subsequent procedures after my first one. I follow the doc's post-op instructions as much is sensible including washing technique but when in doubt I just try to leave everything alone including any crusting/dandruff/residual scabs until after that all important day 10 has passed.


Handy spray bottle filled with purified water is my best friend for the last couple of days until then.

Agreed. BTW, could I use saline solution instead of purified water? In terms of using the water do you mean to just use it to keep the area from drying out? How often would you recommend using?

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Fin/rogaine also help promote early growth, so I'd suggest that as well. Best of luck!

Thanks for the reassurance Reyes. To be honest I'd rather not go down the Fin path. Based on some of the side effects and my personal history I have been advised against. As for Rogaine, I had considered this but as I hadn't started it in May when I had my consult with Dr Erdogan in London, he said not to bother and the post operative notes suggest waiting off on Rogaine for the operated areas for 1 year. Might consider it down the line.


Yep just keep using saline spray as often as possible & them scabs should just give up the fight of holding on & drop off naturally.

Okay you answered my question. I am still spraying the ATP spray at the moment as it said every 3-4 hours after day 3 until finished, but I think that'll be empty tonight. I'll use saline going forward as I have some ready (bought some yesterday in case I needed it).

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