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When to give up on Finpecia?


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  • Regular Member

Ive been taking 1mg almost 2 years now. I started in early 2015, and took it about every other day. 2016 I upped it to abot 6 days a week. I don't think it's had much effect if any. My slow loss that started about 15 years ago has continued (Im about a Norwood 2.5 now). The crown may be a little thicker, maybe not, its hard to tell. So, just curious if I've given it enough time, I'd like to try some herbal treatments, I've been using Rogaine once daily for years and think its helped slow the loss a lot. Thank you for any suggestions.

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I understand what you're saying but do understand that Finpecia/Propecia is much more effective at helping you maintain your existing hair than it is at regrowing hair. In fact, only hair transplant surgery is proven to grow hair in completely bald areas. Very few, but some people do see significant improvement with Propecia but most just benefit by maintaining the existing hair they have.


The problem is, there's no real way to tell and know for sure if hair loss will continue if you stop the medication unless you stop. And if you stop and you lose it, it's too late to grow it back without surgery.


These are just some things to consider.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

The only way to slow your MPB down is medications, if you call it a day now your sure to loose more hair.

just because you can't see any new growth it dont mean its not effective, its proberly at this stage 2 yrs on that the medications is maintaining & could well buy you 1 or 2 dacades of keeping your native hair.


If the medications is not giving you any major side effects I would stick with it, many guys have got cocky after having HT thinking oh they dont need it anymore they got there hair back....only to find out several yrs down the line they regret they gave up & never recovered to when they first was taking it.


Stick what is working.

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  • Senior Member

Also ...why don't you try this....

go & have a one on one co sultation with a recommended doctor on here, let him evaluate you & he will proberly say okay lets have you in once a year & then you will get your answer if the medications are being effective to you down the road.


Supplements are good such as biotin, msn vitd plus , zink, fish oil tabs to keep your hair & skin healthy & maybe some thickness but they definitely wont grow new hair so another point with supplements there only effective if you are deficient in such things in your body & this you can get tested for prior before tossing money at supplements which you may or may not need.


Speak to the professionals who does this stuff day in day out so that would put your mind at rest.

I hope that makes sense to you.

I wish you the best.

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