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Immediate care after FUE

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I am seriously contemplating an FUE procedure very soon, but am quite nervous.


I need between 4000 - 5000 grafts estimated. This will be done over two days, one after another.


I expect the procedure will finish by 7pm latest on Day 2. I have the option of booking an 23:00pm international flight the same night, or can wait another 24 hours and fly out then.




1) Regarding flights, has anyone travelled on a plane just 3 or so hours after a large FUE procedure? Is it recommended not to?


2) When is the first time I can stop being super careful - e.g. not lowering/bowing head or placing in risky angles?


3) For anyone that flew in an airplane quickly after procedure, how did you hide your head? Since no caps allowed i believe on surgery day and for a while afterwards (how long?), exposing such work on the head would be difficult to manage and create unwanted attention at the airport.


4) When can I have my first shower with the water from the shower on my head?


5) When can I start playing sports and more intense activities - running, swimming etc


6) How long do i need to be worried about the head exposure to the sun? Since caps are not allowed, what are the options?

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1) I waited until 3 days post-op to fly out. However, day 2-3 post-op is probably the peak swelling period (at least for me) so if I could go back, I would have waited until at least day 5,6 or 7 to fly out. I'm sure some guys have flown out the day of, but I wouldn't recommend it for a couple of reasons. First, the back of your head will be bandaged and still oozing out some blood from the FUE procedure. So you will have a bloody bandage on the back of your head. Secondly, I think it is smart to stick around for at least a few days so the clinic can monitor you and wash your hair for you. This helps ensure for a better recovery process and to make sure everything is going as planned.


2) I believe I read somewhere on this site that the grafts are secured after 10 days. But this is kind of a vague question


3) Since I flew out 3 days post-op, I wore a cap to the airport and just took it off when I went through security. Before the procedure the thought of this really frightened me because I thought I would be so embarrassed. However, I was actually rushing through security to make my connecting flight in the USA, and just said f*** it, none of these people will ever see me again


4) My post-op instructions said I can return to medium pressure at day 5 and normal shower pressure at day 7


5) My post-op instructions say refrain from working out for 3 weeks. It sucks not being able to be active for that long but you don't want to take any risks when you just made a large investment financially, physically, and mentally.


6) You should protect your recipient area from harsh sun exposure for up to 6 months


Hope this helps, but I'm sure others will chime in and correct me if I am wrong or give you their personal advice.

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The avoidance of exercise after fue is continuing to baffle me. I can see a long restriction after FUT, where you want to avoid stretching a scar, but it grafts are in place, secured, in 7-10 days, what is the problem with exercising? I've also read of people going back to exercise after 5 days and have read of clinics recommending the same.

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  • Senior Member
The avoidance of exercise after fue is continuing to baffle me. I can see a long restriction after FUT, where you want to avoid stretching a scar, but it grafts are in place, secured, in 7-10 days, what is the problem with exercising? I've also read of people going back to exercise after 5 days and have read of clinics recommending the same.


Spex recently posted that he played rugby less than a week following FUE surgery

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I had 4200 FUE and although I healed pretty fast ,there is no way I would have played rugby 7-10 days post op .

I know the graphs are supposed to be secure but for me it's more the psychological aspect ,always thinking did I damage the graphs by doing something too early, better to hold off as long as possible ,obviously avoid the sun for at least 6 months.

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  • Senior Member
I had 4200 FUE and although I healed pretty fast ,there is no way I would have played rugby 7-10 days post op .

I know the graphs are supposed to be secure but for me it's more the psychological aspect ,always thinking did I damage the graphs by doing something too early, better to hold off as long as possible ,obviously avoid the sun for at least 6 months.


Ive been the same way, right now I'm 13 days post op. Better safe than sorry!

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The clinic I had my HT's provided me with this information before I traveled out there. Ask a rep for a print out of their post-op care instructions, so that you can properly plan.


From what I have read I've seen a minimum of one day of rest before travelling.


If your post-op care is similar to mine, then you will be purchasing topical medications (cream, ointment) to apply to the surgical areas. Unless you gently cover them up then I would not want to put my bleeding and pussing head onto a backrest in an airplane where your open wound will take in all sorts of infections.


Before you go for your HT buy a big cap or a loose bandana. My first HT was four days. I had to go out and get food to eat. So I'd either plop the cap on my head loose, with the back strap opened up, or use the bandana. These can't be tight though, because you might lose a few grafts.


Following the procedures I was instructed not to put my head under a shower. For the 1st week just a cup of distilled water was poured on to rinse off the dried blood and puss. After I week I could start with shampoo, and Burt's Bees Natural was suggested.


Since I can be on job sites where I would need a hard had I plan my HT's to not have the recovery period overlap where I would need to wear anything on my head that could disturb the grafts. The first two weeks are the most important. Protect your investment.





I am seriously contemplating an FUE procedure very soon, but am quite nervous.


I need between 4000 - 5000 grafts estimated. This will be done over two days, one after another.


I expect the procedure will finish by 7pm latest on Day 2. I have the option of booking an 23:00pm international flight the same night, or can wait another 24 hours and fly out then.




1) Regarding flights, has anyone travelled on a plane just 3 or so hours after a large FUE procedure? Is it recommended not to?


2) When is the first time I can stop being super careful - e.g. not lowering/bowing head or placing in risky angles?


3) For anyone that flew in an airplane quickly after procedure, how did you hide your head? Since no caps allowed i believe on surgery day and for a while afterwards (how long?), exposing such work on the head would be difficult to manage and create unwanted attention at the airport.


4) When can I have my first shower with the water from the shower on my head?


5) When can I start playing sports and more intense activities - running, swimming etc


6) How long do i need to be worried about the head exposure to the sun? Since caps are not allowed, what are the options?

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I slept the night in a hotel then drove home about 5 hours the next day, no problem, I could have taken a 5 hr flight just as easy.


Best to where one of the blue surgical caps, very loose fitting. I had them give me a few before I left. I would wear these for 10 days.


most docs say sponge head shampoo 2-3 days post op.

no workout / heavy activity 10 days.


I would say 30 days or so for sun, that head is going to red enough. Good luck.

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