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Dr. Rahal - 1,400 FUE in 2 weeks

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Hello all,


I am new to this thread but I just booked my FUE procedure with Dr. Rahal in Ottawa for 2 weeks from now. I am 23, and about a 2 on the Norwood scale. I am extremely nervous for the procedure, was FUE the right choice? I see so many pictures online of patients that have donor site thinning, also is 1,400 is good number?


I appreciate the feedback and intend to keep this updated. Was this the right place for this post?

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  • Senior Member



First, let me emphasize that Dr. Rahal is one of the world's leading hair transplant surgeons. You are in good hands with him.


At 23 with NWII hair loss, hair transplant surgery would not normally be advisable unless you have a documented family history of little to no hair loss. Have you been educated about the likelihood of future balding? Have you been advised to medically stabilize your hair loss with finasteride and minoxidil?


Providing photos will help you to get better advice.


As for whether or not FUE is a good choice, that is generally up to the patient and physician to decide based on several factors. Donor depletion is not an issue when the procedure is performed by a skilled hair restoration physician. Furthermore, in your particular case, this is a small procedure and overharvesting will not be a concern. Dr. Rahal will spread the extractions out over a large enough area that the change will be unnoticeable.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Thanks everyone for the feedback! I am very excited to be part of the forum!


@David - I have been on Finasteride for a little over 2 years now, my temples had started to recede but the medication stabilized it. As for getting it so young, I was definitely advised of the pros and cons, but I am going into a new career and at this point I don't want to wait 10+ years to look my best! That's why we went for a more reserved approach that will hopefully still give me some great results!


@ru5884111 - I am not sure how everything within the clinic works, but I had been in contact with them for quite some time, and did my consultation a while ago. They had a sudden opening so I jumped at it!


I was going to post some before hairline pictures if that would be helpful?

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  • Senior Member

Good move on jumping on medication a few yrs prior this would of given you & your Doctor time to see where your at with regards to stabilise your MPB & also to see how your body would take to this type of medications...again good move on both of your part.


Like David said 1400 is a small surgery & IMO seem to be the best results than mega sessions as the scalp dont take as much trauma.


Im not a big fan of young guys your age to undergo HT until you stabilise the MPB, but in your case, it seem to be working which favors you tremendously.


You have given your best chance of a successful outcome in medical treatment which is available & the skills of a great Doctor you have chosen.


I wish you well in your future surgery.

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