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Thinning back, I am good candidate for HT?

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Hi. I am 27(almost 28) I did notice that my crown got bit worse than it was 5 years ago. In my family history there is no completely bald members. Dad has decent head of hair(bit more thinning on top and bit more thinning crown, but he does not care about his hair at all), my grandfather is 85 and similar to my dad.









I wonder if I should start consider HT(Am I candidate that’s most important) or wait for Histogen or Replicel or both, till I don't know 2020(i would not mind waiting as long as it will work in my case). Or do HT. I love this results,




Am I able to get something like that or I need to wait bit longer? In the way if I am a good candidate I am not worried about future hair loss, but more about if I am "bald" enough" to get HT.


Thank you for your answers.

Edited by ffar1989
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  • Senior Member

To me it dont look like hardly any loss but if you are concerned go & have a one on one consultations with several professional HT Doctors, then they can evaluate your scalp & give you options on hairloss medications such as propicia, Rogain, or laser light therap.


From what I see you dont need to think about HT just hair loss therapy/medications (maybe) that if your doctor can see any miniaturization going on, which from what I can see have my doubts if you have any hairloss going on.


Do yourself a favor, put your mind at rest speak to a professiona HTl Doctor & if he finds nothing, then move on with your life but always keep a eye on things going forward tho but dont let it take over your youth makes sense?


Good luck.

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  • Senior Member

I agree with ontop


Your crown looks good. Do consult with a doc if you feel necessary. But even in that case, i wont recommend a transplant for the crown. It looks great right now

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to be honest I would think a crown should never be done on someone 27-28 years old


you have way too many unknowns and way too many years to define what your balding pattern will be


I wouldn't touch your crown for at least 10 years

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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