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Propecia advice please.


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I am 48 and have been using Minoxidil foam for a year or so. I have quite typical MPB. Receding hairline and thinning on top and at the crown.


Am I ok to just order and start trying Propecia to stem the loss or do I need to go through some sort of process first?


Here in the UK it seems that all I need to do is complete an online consultation and then I can buy what I need. This seems to be the process from some of the more reputable high street stores.


Is it ok for just to buy and start using them?


If so, are there any specific recommendation of where I should get them from in the UK?


Thank you.

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Finasteride is a medication which should always be prescribed by a physician and taken under the supervision of a physician. We know post finasteride syndrome does exist how or why it occurs is still unknown. But almost everyone who's gotten PFS has gotten it by simply self medicating.


By taking finasteride you're dramatically altering your hormones, your inhibiting DHT systemically throuout your whole body by 70% DHT plays a role in libido but not only that a lot of psychological roles as well. Deciding to take finasteride is a big decision, I recommend getting s full male hormonal blood panel, to check your DHT, testosterone, free testosterone, estrogen etc. If you already have low levels of DHT one would assume inhibiting the hormone further could have negative effects. On the other and if it's found you have very high levels of DHT you could take finasteride and monitor your blood level to make sure it's in the normal range.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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It is probably best to speak to your doctor about it first although not many GPs seem to know much about Finasteride but there are some. I would read up about it first before you jump into any decision.


From my experience, I can recommend Dr Edgar. His prices are affordable, good service and also answers any queries by phone. His email is Drstevengedgar@gmail.com . I also believe he is planning to prescribe topical Finasteride too in the UK at some stage as I asked about it the last time I ordered my Proscar.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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Hi Spex


There are some photos on my thread here: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/183459-am-i-good-candidate.html


I'm considering fibers also. I'm considering everything at the moment.


Some things I have learnt whilst doing my research and reading numerous threads:


1. An HT isn't something to be done lightly. There is clearly a lot that goes along side having something like this done.

2. Not everyone is happy with the oucome of an HT, even if done by a respected and recommended surgeon.

3. Even if the HT does go well, it is very likely that at least one more will be needed at some point in the future.

4. It seems to me a process that once you have started, isn't one you can just stop as to an extent you can end up back at square one in other areas of the head.

5. The ongoing cost. Whilst not the overriding factor, it is a factor.


So at the moment I am 50/50. Half would like the permanent (in the areas that it is permanent) result of an HT and I am prepared to spend to do it. The other half of me says continue with Minoxidil, start Propecia and use fibres for a while and see how that goes before undergoing surgery.


It's a tough call.

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Each person is different,


My cousin is in the same situation but i cannot advise him to take Propecia he is very active and happy i don't want him to risk it. On the other hand i'm a bit rusty so I started to take it to see how it goes nothing to loose!


I used monixidil now for about 3 months and noticed good results so i started Propecia about 2-3 weeks ago but i already have low labido issues and bec it is a known side efffect i don't want to risk it any further.


I thought about how much it could do for me and if it is worth it and now i feel i'm changing my mind again.


Some doc told me to take it while others said not to in my case.


I read posts and thought about it and now I think not to take it argument is much better for me unless i see some big results, which i doubt.


Monixidil on it's own with Nizarol shampoo gave me good results so far and my hair looks thicker and more healthy so i feel that should be enough at the moment.


My point is try other products and see how it goes i have the lipogaine monoxidil as well but have not used it yet.


Whatever results you do get would not be the same as a ht but would be an improvement (if any) to what you already have but at what cost ?!

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