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Pics of hair loss

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I totally understand where you're coming from, but I think I have to agree with a few of the posters above who told you that you're most likely not a candidate for a surgery.


You are right that there are very, very, VERY few 25 year olds with your degree of hair loss, but that is not a reason to have a surgery. Because you're so long, and your pattern is so advanced, it is likely that you will be that 40 year old man with a see through donor area and a visible strip scar.


Nobody here can predict your future, (including physicians) and it's possible that your hair loss can stop tomorrow, but that seems extremely unlikely. Even if your donor appears to be fine right now, there is no way of knowing if that will hold up into the future. You would be taking a huge risk in undergoing anything other than the most conservative surgery possible, and I cannot fathom you being OK with what any scrupulous doctor would do. The pattern that Dr. Beehner has posted on his NW 7 patients looks acceptable for a 55 year old, but would look awful on a 25 or 35 year old.

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Haha, who is as bald as me at 25 years old? Anyone?? Im headed for Horse Shoe city at 25, not to many 25 year olds that i have seen or known are.




Look Im not trying to be a buzz kill, but this comment is exactly why you SHOULD NOT have a HT procedure. Im really not trying to sound like a know it all I promise. I am only trying to telling you that until new technologies come down the line you will not be able to achieve what you are looking for.



Sorry but the "island effect" is when someone has hair on the top but is receeding on the sides and the back leaving what appears as a island surround by water. Hope you can visualize this. This is what SJD's potential is if he decides to have a HT.

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dakota, His NW pattern seems pretty well established and his sides show no signs of thinning. Could they recede more? Of course. But for that matter most of us have the potential to become victims of the island effect. If his expectations are to restore his hairline and be conservative behind that, then it looks like he has plenty of grafts to accomplish his goals. Even if he strips out he will likely have fue-able grafts left to fill in the gaps if needed. He has stated his main goal is to create a hairline and frame his face. I agree that will help him look more youthful, and with proper planning with a top doc should be safe.


sjd, go for a consult and double check, but your donor appears to be pretty healthy. Again, though, I must stress to you: See as many high NW patients in person as possible so you can understand what you might end up looking like and if that's acceptable.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Originally posted by SJD:

I just dont like the situation im in right now, because you want your hair when your young and active, if i were 40 years old and had the head of hair that i have i dont think i would really care.



Well, you're dead wrong on the age issue! Trust me, from age 25 to age 40 is a mere 15 years that will seem more like 15 minutes when you look back on it -- ESPECIALLY when you're balding and spend every one of those days obsessing about hairloss and looking in the mirror, staying inside and living your life under a baseball cap and PRAYING that an answer will come tomorrow (which never happens, and most likely never will). When you're 40 you will only feel WORSE than you do right now about your hairloss. Why ? Because they'll still be saying the same thing about HM being a few years away, but you'll soon realize that YOU are no longer one of the lucky ones who was "born at the right time" to benefit when it does become available. By then you'll be an old bald fart and it really won't matter anymore anyway cause you'll be in some old folks home after never getting laid your entire life except by hookers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by labrat69:





Well, you're dead wrong on the age issue! Trust me, from age 25 to age 40 is a mere 15 years that will seem more like 15 minutes when you look back on it -- ESPECIALLY when you're balding and spend every one of those days obsessing about hairloss and looking in the mirror, staying inside and living your life under a baseball cap and PRAYING that an answer will come tomorrow (which never happens, and most likely never will). When you're 40 you will only feel WORSE than you do right now about your hairloss. Why ? Because they'll still be saying the same thing about HM being a few years away, but you'll soon realize that YOU are no longer one of the lucky ones who was "born at the right time" to benefit when it does become available. By then you'll be an old bald fart and it really won't matter anymore anyway cause you'll be in some old folks home after never getting laid your entire life except by hookers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The reason i say about the age thing, is because when your 40 and older your looks are suppoes to start to fade away. Im 25 years old, they shouldn't be fading away. Thats just how i look at it. As far as the rest of your comments. LOL

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We could go on arguing forever about this subject. Bottom line is SJD should by now be getting the picture that this is not some one and done miracle procedure and if he chooses to have it done he will have to live with the concequenses "good or bad" for the rest of his life.

SJD 25 is a mere blip on the life radar. Please do your homework and choose wisely. Good luck!!!

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