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2 Months Post Neograft 1500 grafts. What should I expect?


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Hello everyone,


In January of 2016 I had a Neograft FUE hairtransplant at Tampa Hair MD from Dr Slusher. A week after the procedure the scabs all came off naturally and the hair that was transplanted all fell out soon after. The transplant was to fix a receding hairline that occured after a bad vehicular accident I was in. The doctors gave me pain meds and it made my hair fall out. I tried to use rogaine and it didn't do anything for me, if anything it made my hair look oily and gross and the hair to fall out more. I read online apple cider vinegar on your skin and hair once a week was the best way to keep your hair and skin clean and I've done that ever since instead of using shampoo. I use coconut oil at night lightly on scalp to keep the scalp moisturized and it seems to help greatly. 10 minutes a day I'm using a laser comb, I feel like this cycle has eliminated dandruff completely.


I no longer use any meds or rogain.. Nor will I again, they feel gross.


I feel like two months post operation that my hair looks way worse than it did before the operation in the hairline, I have no thinning on the vertex crown yet thankfully.


Posted pictures are the day I got neograft (shows me with full hair day after operation) and the one without hair is my 2 months AFTER neograft. Hoping to see results and don't know what to expect. Wearing a hat alot.


One thing the doctors lied about was how you look after operation. No way can you return to work confidently in first week. Numbness on head seems to be going away.

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  • Senior Member

I'm at 2 months as well and I'd say you should expect to look the same or worse. I had some shock loss along my FUT scar for an inch below it much of the way around and I started on Rogaine so am in the phase of shedding in areas (crown) where I started using it. I never used Rogaine however before so someone who was a long time user would not be getting the shed I had.


So at this point you have some of the scalp trauma healing (more for FUT than FUE as the scars are tinier for the latter) and you have shed much of the implanted hairs. Maybe some new ones are beginning to emerge but not enough for anyone to notice but you. Some people have shock loss. Esp. diffuse thinners. Some have shock loss at donor area, etc. If you did FUT most likely your hair length on top is diff than on sides and back so you look like a clown still. So yes this is firmly in ugly duck stage for most people but as a FUE guy its prob not as bad for you. In about 45 days you (we) should be coming out of the depths and on the upward path.


As to going back to work with FUE I'd say its about day 8-10, with FUT its hard to hide anytime in the first month it unless (a) you have your hair long in the donor area and (b) you went to a doctor willing to work on you without cutting down your recipient area.

Jan 2016 - 3800 graft FUT with Dr. Konior

NW 5A to 6.


Docs whose results I am most consistently impressed with: Konior, Cooley (FUT), Hasson (FUT), Diep (FUE) (yeah I like the zig zag).

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  • Senior Member

I know you're anxious but two months is too soon to expect anything. By the end of month three, you'll probably notice some tiny hairs and by the end of month four, you should start seeing results, however small. By the eighth month, you'll likely be thrilled out of your mind.


There's no way to make it go faster -you just have to be patient and wait. Don't worry, it'll come in.

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  • Senior Member

Be patient. My growth occurred around month four. I had FUE using Neograft back in 2012. You can go to my personal blog and see exactly what to expect. I chronicled the event each day after my surgery and included photos and videos. This website is great for Forum discussions. On my website, look in the archives to September 2012 and you will see everything. My FUE Hair Transplant


You will be very happy in the near future. Hang in there and happy growing.

I am an online representative for Carolina Hair Surgery & Dr. Mike Vories (Recommended on the Hair Transplant Network).

View John's before/after photos and videos:  http://www.MyFUEhairtransplant.com

You can email me at johncasper99@gmail.com

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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