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I had photographic consultations with two surgeons, both well renowned, one in Turkey and one In Belgium.

I was quoted 2800 grafts in Turkey and 800 in Belgium.

I decided to go with the Belgian surgeon but asked to bump up the grafts to 1000-1200, but I wonder if this will be enough?


I intend to keep my hairline position, not lower it, but to have my temple angles closed a bit, though keeping some temple recession. A true NW2 hairline. I also want some grafts in the front where it's quite thin and uneven in spots.


I have fine hair, ok density on top, was very diffusely thinned but recovered somewhat using fin and minox for 3 years. Denisty at the back is quite thick.





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It's shocking that Dr. Erdogan consistently quotes double the grafts.

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  • Senior Member
It's shocking that Dr. Erdogan consistently quotes double the grafts.


thats the thing with him. No one will be mad for getting "too much hair". But will be intresting to se what happens in the future to all his patients who transplant 2-3k only to hairline.

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Yeah that was Dr Erdogan...


Yeah I gathered that 2800 was very excessive. He gets amazing results, but he's not leaving a lot of grafts for future HTs, a little reckless. I'm guessing he was thinking of dense packing an NW1 hairline or temple point reconstruction


But my question remains, my initial quote was 800 which I think is far too little, it's been bumped up to 1000-1200, but will this be enough? Or should I ask to have it bumped up again to 1500? Right side of my hairline is okay, left side has lost a bit more hair and temple angle closure is necessary for both temples

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A bit off topic but I don't think you need a hair transplant imho. Not worth going through all the potential risks of a HT (permanent shock loss, low yield, unnatural angles, scaring, etc) just for those temples when no one probably notices those receding corners except you who stares in the mirror every morning. The benefits should always out weigh the risks and in your case I just don't see it.


You also have really nice dense hair and it would be ashamed if the trauma of a HT makes that thinner. And should you ever need another procedure in the future after your hairline work to cover natural progression of hair loss, a HT will never give you that natural density you currently have.

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My hair isn't as dense as it appears in those photos. I have long hair, and the frontal hair is layering up on top of the hair behind it to make it appear thicker than it really is. I'm going to go through with the HT because although not terrible, it is very obvious that balding has begun. My forelock is wide but has a very sharp angles. What I want done is mostly just tidying up thin patches of hairline and making the temple angles less square.


Dr Reys, the surgeon I decided to go with, is really good, he said that shock loss is very rare in his patients and that they always recover. His hairlines look really natural too.

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How old are you and are you on meds? The temples look like the only thing that needs rebuilding, the forelock looks quite strong, I think 1,200 would be enough, of course if you want to lower the hairline and be ultra aggressive then 2,000 should be good, depending on your age and whether or not your on meds it might be better to hold off.


I was concerned with Dr. Erdogan quoting more than what's transplanted, there was a thread where a person counted less recipient grafts than what was paid for, although the person never identified the doctor several posters made allegations that it was Erdogan, although it can't be proven it certainly does raise my suspicions when he consistently quotes double the amount of grafts, I hope it's just unfounded speculation though.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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I'm 29, almost 30, started on fin shortly after turning 27 so about 2 and a half years. Started 5% minox at the same time. Switched to 15% minox on my hairline about 6 months ago, got a little extra growth but nothing too drastic.


In the second pic you can see that the right side of my hairline is significantly lower than the left side, which I'd like to address. Though the left side being higher gives a nicer, more rounded shape.


My temple angles are my biggest concern, the most important part. Just to get a more rounded, less square shape. After than my hairline is secondary, maybe lower the left side a little and fill in the thin/patchy spots.


Yeah I've heard some suspicious things about Erdogan, no doubt he's a great surgeon, but not sure if I would trust him based on my quote and what I've read.

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