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Sleep During First Days Post-Op / Protecting FUs ???

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I'm concerned about losing FUs during sleep in the first few days post surgery. Especially along the sides/temples and hairline. What precautions can I take to ensure I don't cause any harm to my HT ?


Also, how long until they are secured in place ?

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  • Senior Member
I'm concerned about losing FUs during sleep in the first few days post surgery. Especially along the sides/temples and hairline. What precautions can I take to ensure I don't cause any harm to my HT ?


Also, how long until they are secured in place ?


Hi NewHare,


As Rawkerboi has mentioned, grafts do take 6-8 days to get firmly rooted in the scalp.


We advise our Patients not to sleep flat for at least 3 days post-op. We ask them to keep upright and sleep in a semi-sitting position for the first 3 nights after the procedure so that the head is higher than the heart.


Listed below are the "don'ts" after getting an HT procedure:


1. Do not sleep flat for the first 3 days.

2. Do not consume alcohol on the night after

3. Do not pour tap water over the procedure site.

4. Do not do heavy exercise, gym, aerobics, heavy weight lifting or yoga for one week.

5. Do not bend down or forward to tie your shoe lace or to pick up objects from the ground for the first 3 days.

6. Do not use a hair dryer.

7. Do not scratch the procedure area with you finger-nail.

8. Do not allow teeth of your comb to touch the procedure area while combing.

9. Do not apply any ice or cold pack over the procedure area, forehead or any part of the face.

10. Do not stroke the planted area with gauze from forward to backward.

11. Do not use any shampoo, washing solution or antiseptic other than what is supplied/ recommended (by your Doctors Office).

12. Do not take steam or sauna bath for 2 weeks.



  • You can use your own loose cap/ hat after 5 days of the procedure or you can wear a bandana. We request our Patients to wear only our cap as it is designed specially for the post-op care. Use it only for outdoor activity. Do not wear any woolen cap. No turban for 2 months after the procedure. No helmet for 6 weeks after the procedure. Cap should not touch any procedure area. Wear it loose and do not press it tight across your head. Remove it by lifting it from back to front.

  • Do not go to the barber for 6 weeks after the procedure.

  • Do not color your hair before 6 weeks of the procedure.

  • After the first 2 weeks do not unnecessarily keep the hair covered with a cap. Give them air for a healthy growth.

  • If you develop dandruff, you may use Ketoconazole shampoo 2 days a week.

  • If the beard is the donor site, do not shave it for 7 days after the procedure. Till 7 days you can shave your beard and use a trimmer for the shadow area from where grafts have been take.

  • Do not use shampoo more than 2-3 times a week.

  • Do not wear the cap when on a long haul flight out of India since it will be uncomfortable. Tie a loose bandana over the scalp.

  • Do not swim in a pool or in the sea for 3 weeks after the procedure.



We wish you all the best,



DarlingBuds FUE's profile photo 
North America Representative and Patient Advisor for:
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member

Very comprehensive advice California! This post addresses many questions we get on a regular basis. Thus, I've published it to our Hair Loss Q&A Blog.


Hair Transplants: Tips for Keeping Newly Transplanted Grafts Safe and Healthy after Surgery

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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