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Advice for crown/vertex area transplant

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Hello Expert members here ,

I am a NW 5A.

I already had about 3000-3500 grafts transplanted in the frontal region. The results were good but I still have a bald spot to address in my crown/vertex area. I am 29 years old now. Do you think it will be wise to go for a hair transplant of about 1000 grafts at this point to increase the density in the crown/vertex area or will it be better to save grafts for future? I am consulting many clinics but wanted to know the expert views here also .

Also is there a specific doctor you guys recommend for this (for around 1000 grafts in crown/vertex)?



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  • Senior Member
Hello Expert members here ,

I am a NW 5A.

I already had about 3000-3500 grafts transplanted in the frontal region. The results were good but I still have a bald spot to address in my crown/vertex area. I am 29 years old now. Do you think it will be wise to go for a hair transplant of about 1000 grafts at this point to increase the density in the crown/vertex area or will it be better to save grafts for future? I am consulting many clinics but wanted to know the expert views here also .

Also is there a specific doctor you guys recommend for this (for around 1000 grafts in crown/vertex)?




1,000 isn't a lot when it comes to the vertex, however Dr Wong is renowned for his crown work.

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Posting a few images of your crown will help the community give you more accurate advice. Mav's comments about the crown are pretty spot-on. The crown requires a shocking number of grafts to truly restore properly. 1,000 sounds like a lot, but it may not be enough. However, you may have a smaller thinning area or a pattern that could benefit from an amount like this. So sharing a few pictures will probably help.

Dr. Blake Bloxham is recommended by the Hair Transplant Network.



Hair restoration physician - Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplantation


Previously "Future_HT_Doc" or "Blake_Bloxham" - forum co-moderator and editorial assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, Hair Restoration Network, Hair Loss Q&A blog, and Hair Loss Learning Center.


Click here to read my previous answers to hair loss and hair restoration questions, editorials, commentaries, and educational articles.


Now practicing hair transplant surgery with Coalition hair restoration physician Dr Alan Feller at our New York practice: Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplantation.


Please note: my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Personally I agree with Dr. Lindsey's point of view on crowns, less is more, often it's a graft black hole and even after thousands of grafts you may still be left unsatisfied, I believe grafts are better utilized in the hairline and midscalp with light coverage in the crown. Utilizing your grafts wisely is key to the success of your transplant.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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