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Why are some of my threads being removed??

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  • Regular Member

I just posted a thread syaing how pleased i was about my results and it was removed. I've had a previous thread removed about where to buy minoxidil. Surely the purpose of this site is that members can chat freely??

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  • Regular Member

I just posted a thread syaing how pleased i was about my results and it was removed. I've had a previous thread removed about where to buy minoxidil. Surely the purpose of this site is that members can chat freely??

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  • Senior Member

I think it's just that there's been a wave of accusatory remarks...essentially directed at Bill...about "censorship" and threads being muzzled and removed...which clearly isn't true, as is the case here, as well....the irony, and what I'd imagine to be additional annoyance, is that the threads in question had to be moved to their appropriate location as a result of simple carelessness.


*not that I think it's some huge deal or horrible thing to misplace a thread you start, but it's ironic to throw out an accusation that *is* careless that you yourself are hurling because of a prior, conjoined act of carelessness on your part.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member

i remember when i first came here, i made a similar mistake.. i know you may find this hard to believe but when i first cae here i was a bit of a skeptic!icon_wink.gif.... we feel dumb enough when we realize it was just moved, trust me.. we could probably do without the 'open your eyes' stuff... but i can understand Bill when he gets pissed, as it does happen from time to time, he prob views it as a slant on his name so its taken personal.. the OP is new to the site, honest mistake guys, nobody bats a thousand!


in my experience Bill does a great job running a fair forum. very very seldom will he remove anything and if he does he provides a reason why such action had been made

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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Vent on!


There is no question or doubt that I do get annoyed at these types of threads. And the reason for this is obvious - the tone of the post was judgemental and condemning rather than just a simple question.


Had jonrctim posted something like: "I created a few threads and I can't seem to find them", I would have responded much differently. However, he drew conclusions that "it was removed" and then threw in a question at the end "Surely the purpose of this site is that members can chat freely?" to imply that I was contributing to the opposite.


People who have been a member for more than a week typically know me and that I moderate this community. Thus, what's wrong with sending me a private message instead asking where the thread went? Posting something like this publicly, especially in the tone it was written, is designed solely to try to bring this community down and accuse us of "censorship".


Frankly, I spend a lot of time moving threads to their proper location due to people carelessly posting them in the wrong forum. And then for a member to accuse me of censorship when I'm simply cleaning up their carelessness is personally insulting and a huge waste of my time and energy.


Honestly, there are only a few things that set me off like this. But when I work hard daily to provide a fair and safe environment for patients and physicians and keep the forum properly archived for ease of use and searchability, the last thing I need is someone falsely accusing me of censorship when it was their fault for posting in the wrong forum to begin with.


Vent off! :-)



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  • Regular Member

Bill, keep you HT on!!!! The more i read what you have said the more it annoys me. I find the fact that you replied to this thread in such a way as being incredibly unprofessional and immature. Does not say much for you as an individual or the fact you are the Forum Moderator. You are actually coming across like a bit of a bully. If the two of us were chatting in a real room i'm sure your reply would have been much more understanding, trust me!


A word of warning to all of you, dont do something that pisses Bill off or he'll turn the whole community against you.


Think i'll leave this dictatorship ... PEACE!!

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