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Transplanted Hair Buzz feel post HT - how long?

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Hi all,


I am getting a HT in 2 weeks and will be keeping my existing recipient area hair approximately 1.5-2 inches during and post surgery.


I understand that some of the transplanted hairs will continue to grow before they shed, but in general, how long will it feel like I have a buzz cut under my natural hair? I would like to keep this a secret if possible, but what if someone were to touch your head, say, 3 weeks post surgery, would it still feel like a buzz under longer hair?

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  • Senior Member

The transplanted hair will shed over the first 3-6 weeks, so it will just be your native hair that remains. In general its good to "discount" the transplanted hair when factoring how you will look post op, as the new hairline and crown will only be intact for a few weeks.

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I apologize I must not have been clear. I understand how/when the shedding happens. My question is after the HT, say from Day 1 - Day 21, before the shedding, I would have the hairs that have been transplanted shorter than my native hair. Do these hairs feel like a buzz cut under my native hair to the touch? or by day 10 or so, will they grow to the point where they are at least a little soft, and not so noticeable to the touch.

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  • Senior Member
I apologize I must not have been clear. I understand how/when the shedding happens. My question is after the HT, say from Day 1 - Day 21, before the shedding, I would have the hairs that have been transplanted shorter than my native hair. Do these hairs feel like a buzz cut under my native hair to the touch? or by day 10 or so, will they grow to the point where they are at least a little soft, and not so noticeable to the touch.


After 10 days they Will still feel like buzz cut

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  • Senior Member

Gotcha. The transplanted hair will look and feel similar to your native hair post op bc its so short. You'll be able to feel a slight difference in softness, but that'll only be noticeable to you. From my experience, the textural and visual difference was more noticeable weeks later. If you're ok w the difference in length I dont think the appearance will impact you much.

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