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Can someone tell me what this is?

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I'm dealing with major issues with recipient healing. This is almost 4 months out and I'm not sure what this is. I've seen other people's posts and I'm not sure this is simply fading redness. Hoping someone with more experience can assist and give suggestions of what to do.


My surgeon basically only stated to put aloe vera gel on it. Well I've done that for almost 2 months and I see no improvement.


Any help is appreciated, kinda desperate.


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Yes that looks like typical post-op redness. It can linger up until 6 months. Most store brand aloe Vera gels are overly watered down. I'd suggest trying some vitamin E or emu oil or get a real aloe plant leaf.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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I agree with hairthere; looks like normal post-operative "redness." It's such a strange phenomenon. For some guys, the redness will honestly almost completely fade away within days; for others, it's there for 4 months or so. I've never seen any correlation in how it affects the final results, nor have I found a reliable way to tell who will stay red for a while and who won't -- so I try to tell all patients that it could be "months."


Make sure to double check with your clinic before putting anything else in the area -- just to be safe.


Grow well!

Dr. Blake Bloxham is recommended by the Hair Transplant Network.



Hair restoration physician - Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplantation


Previously "Future_HT_Doc" or "Blake_Bloxham" - forum co-moderator and editorial assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, Hair Restoration Network, Hair Loss Q&A blog, and Hair Loss Learning Center.


Click here to read my previous answers to hair loss and hair restoration questions, editorials, commentaries, and educational articles.


Now practicing hair transplant surgery with Coalition hair restoration physician Dr Alan Feller at our New York practice: Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplantation.


Please note: my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • 2 years later...
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My recipient looks exactly like this at 4.5 months out. What's the cause of it, and does it eventually return to normal?


I'm starting to lose hope myself. I've had one Vbeam treatment thus far, but I'm only a week out and I see no improvement.


I'm really hoping all will return to normal. It's looked like this for about 3 months now. Hair is growing, but the skin is ruined.



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The redness heals at a different rate for everyone, depending on your skin tone, sensitivity, etc. so hopefully this subsides. Mine looked similar at 4 months or so as well and now it's totally fine. As with most things related to hair transplants, try not to get discouraged and jump to conclusions too early, as many of these things take time. More than anything you need to make sure you're staying out of the sun, as sun exposure to compromise the grafts and increase the redness as well. I was able to wear a hat for the majority of the time, and when I couldn't I used a spray sunscreen on my scalp.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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The last thing you want to do at 4.5 months after a hair transplant is treat any redness with a laser. This could have lasting negative effects on your final result and I find it unfathomable that your hair transplant physician gave the ok for this. This also tells me that your hair transplant physician hasn't explained to you properly the time line for healing so the first thing you should do is contact your physician immediately, tell them about your concerns and inform them of what you've done to your recipient zone with the laser. FYI, different skin tones take different amounts of time to return to normal but in general, the more fair skinned you are the longer it takes to recover 100%. Some very fair skinned patients can take six to ten months to see all redness disappear.

Online representative for Dr. Bernard Arocha


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