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finasteride & depression


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Whats truly "sad" is that you somehow equate being properly informed of the side effects of a particular medication as 'trying to ruin it for everyone".


At this point I'm almost convinced that you must be trolling. I just can't imagine any rational person NOT wanting to be aware of potential side effects of a medication they are considering taking. Any future post from you saying ridiculous things like how I'm 'ruining it for everyone' or 'making it all about myself' will be ignored by me.


Good day. ✌️


He's a troll I wouldn't pay much attention to him, he's deeply offended at anyone not glorifying propecia like him.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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I would prefer "bald and old" to dead!


Severe depression and mental confusion/fogginess are well documented side effects of Fin, even suicides have been attributed to this drug.

Its serious, potentially life threatening and nothing to be flippant about IMO.


If you are experiencing side effects then you should discontinue use of Fin.

If you continue to experience depression after discontinuing the drug, seek professional qualified medical help.

The bad thing with Fin is that on occasion serious side effects persist LONG after cessation of the drug.

The endocrine hormone ecosystem within some peoples bodies can be very fragile, disrupt that balance with Fin, and unfortunately there are those individuals that are unable to recover and irreparable damage is done!


This goes by the name of Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS), a real and potentially devastating consequence of taking Fin.

For more info on that check out the help website for PFS sufferers

At Propeciahelp.com and read for yourself the heartbreaking stories and accounts from those who have had their otherwise productive lives obliterated by this drug.


Also, with Fin if you have to quit the drug for any reason you lose all the hair you would've lost anyway, just as if you never took the drug in the first place. It's a LIFELONG commitment! Additionally, Fin does not work to maintain hair for everyone. It's only effective in hair lose prevention in some individuals. Believe it or not, there are indeed those people who take Fin, develop the side effects and lose hair anyway. How bad that would suck, I can't even imagine.


Even at a 5-10% chance (possibly more like 10-20% from some sources) of serious long lasting side effects, it's not worth it for me. Losing hair is undoubtably a traumatic and shattering event in a persons life, no argue with that, but the serious side effects from Fin are worse...... WAY worse. Do you really want to be playing Russian Roulette with the odds when things like permanent impotence, lose of interest in the opposite sex, diminished libido, severe depression, profound mental haziness, and CANCER are at stake?!?!?!? Yes, Fin even carries a rare, but very real risk of life threatening male breast cancer with it.


No I'm not a fan of Fin. But each person has to make their own judgements about what risks are acceptable to them. I just think that the many are misinformed and ignorant to the potential severity and permanence of Fin's side effects.

To me, the risk outweigh the benefits. But obviously others are free to make that choice for themselves.


I also recognize that some fortunate people are able to take Fin without issue, and have amazing nearly miraculous results by using Fin; however, many are not, and there are those reports VERY unlucky people developing seemingly irreversible side effects such as impotence from Fin.



Thank you for the great info. So in my case I tried fin and I seriously felt depressed. If I want hair to feel better and if the treatment doesnt make me feel better then there is no point to continue medication. Its my fifth day without fin and I really feel better.

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  • Senior Member

My HT doc gave me simple instructions about fin. Get on it. If you experience any side effects, stop taking it. It's just that simple. Personally I've been on it for 2 years with no side effects.

Edited by E39
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