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How much of FUT vs FUE recc comes down to experience and comfort?

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  • Senior Member

Are we at a point where FUE can yield just as strong results as FUT but doctor comfort and experience level may sway the recommendation more than science does




Is FUT still the gold standard when outcome is the highest priority?

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All things being equal---assume cost non-issue and would like to avoid scar but only if outcomes are equal. I feel like the narrative focuses on things other than outcome, when it should start there.

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There is nobody who can answer this question really without proper scientific studies. A doctor recently posted here that the ISHRS does a multi center study regarding the graft survival of FUT vs FUE and said that all preliminary data suggests that both have a equal survival rate. I guess this study will be released in the near future, for now we don't have more details.


My opinion is however that if you want to avoid the scar, you should go for FUE.

Proud to be a representative of world elite hair transplant surgeon Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic.



Online consultations: damian@bhrclinic.com

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That's the challenge... so much of the narrative factors all variables, above results.


I understand this to a degree, as we must factor variables such as cost and lifestyle and hair length when making a recommendation to a patient.


But, have these factors. blurred arguably the most important variable in any surgical procedure--results


Would I like to avoid a scar? Of course, but not if a few extra wks of recovery yields an inferior outcome. Is cost factoring into my decision? No.


We are in a vacuum---is FUT really the safer more conservative bet in 2015, or is that simply contingent on the surgeons skills and not science? These are fundamentally different things.

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"All things being equal"
If all we had was PURE academia science, there would be no asking this question. You would create an experiment - in a vacuum- with no possible variables and achieve a perfect outcome every time.


But the biggest wild card obstacle to all of this is...you.


This is where it rests. On your decision making shoulders.

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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But I think you can appreciate what I'm driving at....which is deciphering science from skill.


If FUE expertise can produce a truly equivalent yield outcome in the right hands vs inevitable limitations rooted in process differences.


At this stage we can mostly agree both will produce solid outcomes.

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