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Question about resuming activities after FUE procedure...

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Hi everyone. On Thurs (8/27) I had a neograft FUE hair transplant done. 1500 grafts. I went back to my doctor today (6 days after surgery) for light therapy and he said I was healing very nicely and everything looks great. I asked him several questions about what I can and can't do. He gave me the following "go aheads," and I just wanted to see what you all thought. (I figure it can't hurt to get a second opinion... I'm just trying to be careful.)


  • He said I can resume working out at the gym since I'm not bleeding anymore and everything looks good.
  • He said I don't have to sleep at a 45 degree angle anymore, and I can sleep on my side if I wanted to.
  • I finished all prescribed medications. He said I can resume taking things like aspirin, aleve, etc. if I need to. Is that true?
  • He said I can resume washing my hair normally (with my fingers and sticking my head under the showerhead) in 4 days... (that would make 10 days after my procedure.)
  • I'm going to the beach with some friends this weekend. He said I can go on the beach as long as I wear a hat and don't submerge my head in water.
  • He gave me the green light to drink alcohol this weekend. (I drink responsibly. I'm not going to go crazy and risk bumping my head, but I would like to engage in social drinking if it's ok.)


What do you guys think? I would really appreciate feedback on each item! I'm anxious to get back to the gym and lift some weights! And I would love to be able to drink with my friends and get a bit of a buzz this weekend, but not if it means ruining the work that was done on me.


Two more things... today when I was at work, my supervisor came up to me and brushed her hand on top of my head and said, "You shaved off your hair!" It didn't hurt or anything when she did it, and there was no bleeding and it didn't seem like anything fell out. What are the odds she damaged some grafts?


And lastly... I still feel tingling on my scalp at points. Is that normal? And what anti-inflammatory do you recommend I take to reduce some swelling since I've finished my prescription medication? I don't have a lot of swelling, but some around my eyes. Is aleve good?

Edited by tysonjames123
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I followed my doctors instructions, I didn't workout till 10 days post op, I also didn't smoke or drink for 2 weeks, but if your dr says it's ok go for it.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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  • Senior Member

I'm really confused in all this.:confused:


Dr Feller (I think), advised in a recent article that three days is about right to resume touching the head and shampooing normally, as the grafts are bedded in, then others are saying ten days......:confused::confused:

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  • Senior Member

i guess each dr has their own post care rules, day15 was when i was first allowed to use the shower to wash my hair, leading up to that it was subtle gentle dabbing with saline water, with a spray bottle, no going outside without a hat on for 6 weeks, but i would not go in the water yet, no way, bacteria could cause some serious problems, I chose to sleep 45 degree angle for about 10 days, give your grafts time to heal, and then some more time, think of the money you've invested and the time and the pain, and think of those little grafts they need all the TLC in the world right now. anyway thats my second opinion all the best

June 2013 - 3000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2013 - 1000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2015 - 785 FUE Dr Bhatti


Dr. Bhatti's Recommendation Profile on the Hair Transplant Network

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  • Regular Member

Hi Tysonjames123,


I'm Nick and I work for Dr De Reys.


Ten days is about right before you start doing light sports. Two weeks is needed before doing heavy or contact sports.


I've written a post about what to do after an operation on this forum which you can find here:




Most important, take care of yourself and don't overdo things however grafts are pretty tough so sports are fine once the grafts have had time to 'set'.


Dr. De Reys is recommended by the Hair Transplant Network.

Dr De Reys | Hair Transplant Surgeon in Belgium.



Hi everyone. On Thurs (8/27) I had a neograft FUE hair transplant done. 1500 grafts. I went back to my doctor today (6 days after surgery) for light therapy and he said I was healing very nicely and everything looks great. I asked him several questions about what I can and can't do. He gave me the following "go aheads," and I just wanted to see what you all thought. (I figure it can't hurt to get a second opinion... I'm just trying to be careful.)


  • He said I can resume working out at the gym since I'm not bleeding anymore and everything looks good.
  • He said I don't have to sleep at a 45 degree angle anymore, and I can sleep on my side if I wanted to.
  • I finished all prescribed medications. He said I can resume taking things like aspirin, aleve, etc. if I need to. Is that true?
  • He said I can resume washing my hair normally (with my fingers and sticking my head under the showerhead) in 4 days... (that would make 10 days after my procedure.)
  • I'm going to the beach with some friends this weekend. He said I can go on the beach as long as I wear a hat and don't submerge my head in water.
  • He gave me the green light to drink alcohol this weekend. (I drink responsibly. I'm not going to go crazy and risk bumping my head, but I would like to engage in social drinking if it's ok.)


What do you guys think? I would really appreciate feedback on each item! I'm anxious to get back to the gym and lift some weights! And I would love to be able to drink with my friends and get a bit of a buzz this weekend, but not if it means ruining the work that was done on me.


Two more things... today when I was at work, my supervisor came up to me and brushed her hand on top of my head and said, "You shaved off your hair!" It didn't hurt or anything when she did it, and there was no bleeding and it didn't seem like anything fell out. What are the odds she damaged some grafts?


And lastly... I still feel tingling on my scalp at points. Is that normal? And what anti-inflammatory do you recommend I take to reduce some swelling since I've finished my prescription medication? I don't have a lot of swelling, but some around my eyes. Is aleve good?

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