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Post Op Care Help for FUE... please help

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Hi everyone. I'm a 28 year old caucasian male. On Thursday, 8/27, I got a neograft procedure (FUE) done. They shaved my sides and the back of my head down to a zero. I got 1500 grafts transplanted to the top of my head and near the temples by the front of my hairline.


I've been following my post op care very carefully. I've taken all the medications I've been prescribed, I've been icing above my eyes and over my eyebrows, and I've been spraying the grafts with the provided saline solution. On Friday, the day after my surgery, when I went for the post op check up, they said everything was healing well.


Yesterday (Saturday evening), I removed the bandage and dressing from the donor area and applied bacitracin (as directed by my doctor). Today (Sunday), I showered for the first time, also as directed by my doctor. Here is my concern...


For showering, they told me to mix baby shampoo and water into a bowl and pour the bowl over my head. (They said not to stand directly under the showerhead as the streaming water could remove the grafts.) I did what I was told. I mixed baby shampoo (maybe too much) into a bowl of water, and then I poured the mixture over my head. Then, I poured another bowl of straight water over my head to rinse. After I got out of the shower, I felt as though some shampoo still remained. (I'm not exactly sure... my hair just feels stiff now... like I put hair gel in it.) I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to pour more water over my head, because what if too much water pouring causes the grafts to dislodge?


One last question... last night, while I was asleep, I woke up and caught myself gently scratching one of the sites where I had hair transplanted. As soon as I caught myself, I stopped. But I'm scared that I ruined the grafts in that area...


How easily can these grafts get removed post surgery? Am I overthinking it? Can I rinse my head again with a bowl of water or is doing that too many times in one day too risky?

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Pouring the water gently over your head will not dislodge the grafts. This is not something to worry about. For at least ten days be very gentle with your heard. Don't overthink the situation too much but just follow the instructions.

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Hi everyone. I'm a 28 year old caucasian male. On Thursday, 8/27, I got a neograft procedure (FUE) done. They shaved my sides and the back of my head down to a zero. I got 1500 grafts transplanted to the top of my head and near the temples by the front of my hairline.


I've been following my post op care very carefully. I've taken all the medications I've been prescribed, I've been icing above my eyes and over my eyebrows, and I've been spraying the grafts with the provided saline solution. On Friday, the day after my surgery, when I went for the post op check up, they said everything was healing well.


Yesterday (Saturday evening), I removed the bandage and dressing from the donor area and applied bacitracin (as directed by my doctor). Today (Sunday), I showered for the first time, also as directed by my doctor. Here is my concern...


For showering, they told me to mix baby shampoo and water into a bowl and pour the bowl over my head. (They said not to stand directly under the showerhead as the streaming water could remove the grafts.) I did what I was told. I mixed baby shampoo (maybe too much) into a bowl of water, and then I poured the mixture over my head. Then, I poured another bowl of straight water over my head to rinse. After I got out of the shower, I felt as though some shampoo still remained. (I'm not exactly sure... my hair just feels stiff now... like I put hair gel in it.) I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to pour more water over my head, because what if too much water pouring causes the grafts to dislodge?


One last question... last night, while I was asleep, I woke up and caught myself gently scratching one of the sites where I had hair transplanted. As soon as I caught myself, I stopped. But I'm scared that I ruined the grafts in that area...


How easily can these grafts get removed post surgery? Am I overthinking it? Can I rinse my head again with a bowl of water or is doing that too many times in one day too risky?


I insist my patients shower every day starting the day after surgery. So you should be fine on that score.

As for reflexively scratching your recipient area if you didn't see any blood streaming out then you are likely fine. When you dislodge a graft you KNOW it.


I don't know about your clinic, but I also insist my patients start rubbing their recipient area during shampooing starting on the third day to help mechanically start breaking up the scabs.


Feel good and grow well.


Dr. Feller

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You are just fine "TysonJames". Like the others have said, pouring water and rinsing your head will do nothing to dislodge any grafts. They most likely have a pretty firm grip by this time. You will start seeing and feeling the scabbing. When you do take a full shower on your head in a few days, just gently massage your head with the shampoo and you will start to feel the little pieces of scabbing coming off. It will feel like "grit" on top of your head. One thing I would like to point out. Remember, the top of your head is numb still and will be for quite some time. Don't rub too hard. I did this and slightly irritated my scalp because I really couldn't feel it because of the numbness. The scabbing coming off and me rubbing it on my head was like sand paper on top of my head. No harm done but it did sting a bit later after the shower.


Dr. Feller is correct, if you didn't see any blood from rubbing the graft, you did not damage the grafts. Even if you had....it probably would be just a few grafts out of the thousand that would not affect your appearance. In my sleep I rubbed out about a dozen grafts after my second surgery.


Best of luck!

I am an online representative for Carolina Hair Surgery & Dr. Mike Vories (Recommended on the Hair Transplant Network).

View John's before/after photos and videos:  http://www.MyFUEhairtransplant.com

You can email me at johncasper99@gmail.com

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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