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So guys, I've been doing a lot of researching and educating myself with what's involved in the hair transplantation.

I'm finding it really hard to pick a surgeon as they are so many of them! :eek:

I'm from the UK and there are a lot of clinics here. I think it's better to stick to the trusted surgeons though how are Doctor Farjo and Doctor Reddy here in England. Would you guys advise that I make a selection from names on the trusted list instead of going for someone who's not mentioned on there?


To get to my point, hair transplantation in England seems VERY expensive in general. I saw they were three trusted Turkish surgeons and they seem to deliver just as good results as they do here in the UK, and it's much more cheaper?! :confused: But why is that? Why can you get the same standard of work done, if not better and pay for less than you can here in the UK? I am by know means criticizing our trusted surgeons prices here in the UK, I'm just wondering why the difference in price is so different?


I am currently looking at a surgeon in London called Doctor Zioga who has performed the most FUE operations in Europe according to the site. Her work looks really good! Does any one have any opinions? I should I simply stick to the list?

Also, the Belgium surgeons seem great too and they have a lot of great reviews! Feriduni, Bisanga, Mwamba, De Reys! What are the prices like in Belgium compared to the UK?


I'd be very grateful for you're opinions so I can narrow my search! Cheers. :)

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Both Belgium and Turkey are cheaper than the UK. Think it's because the costs of overheads are lower. I struggled with this concept too, as I thought the Turkish and Belgium surgeons had to be lower quality than the expensive US surgeons, but that's not the case at all. Erdogan is one of the top FUE surgeons in the world, and Feriduni from Belgium is up there with both FUT & FUE. Bisango posts his prices on his website, and Feriduni is pretty close as well. Erdogan is something like 3 euros a graft.


No catch here at all - if you do your research, it will become obvious that these guys are way better than the U.K. Surgeons.

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I was born in the UK & if I was still living there I wouldn't have a HT even if it was free.

Forget about Rooney & crew having HT in a top London clinic, I think his HT is Poo when if he done a little more research instead of being a lazy fat get he is like on the field sorry don't like the dickhead.


But anyways....as they say don't make your choice on money & travel which is good advice

Yep look into europe / turkey what the hell you could jump on the euro tunnel for peanets & boom you have many different worldwide respected Drs there as you already worked out.

My advice look for the Dr who consistantly shows good results.


Set up a few consultaions online via skype most clinks seem to be doing a lot of that now.


Need to ask you what sort of HT are you looking for or want? FUT or FUE?

Being you done your homework you should know the answer.


I see your taking Meds....yep good on you....stick with it because I can see your young & at least this will buy you time.

You may not see much gains but it may well slow down or stop the rott to a certain degree that & rogain is the only FDA approved drugs out there...the rest is just snake oil.

Try some supplements....like Biotin , MSN, fish oil & Vit D3 none of this will grow your hair but can & will make your hair stronger.


A few Qs..

On the NW scale what would you be now & what could you be in 10 or 20yrs?

What's you family history with the Males in your family? Is your dad a high NW?


All this need to be taking into account prior.

Plan for the long term future not the present.

Be smart about it & take your time.

Best wishes.

Edited by ontop
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  • Regular Member
Both Belgium and Turkey are cheaper than the UK. Think it's because the costs of overheads are lower. I struggled with this concept too, as I thought the Turkish and Belgium surgeons had to be lower quality than the expensive US surgeons, but that's not the case at all. Erdogan is one of the top FUE surgeons in the world, and Feriduni from Belgium is up there with both FUT & FUE. Bisango posts his prices on his website, and Feriduni is pretty close as well. Erdogan is something like 3 euros a graft.


No catch here at all - if you do your research, it will become obvious that these guys are way better than the U.K. Surgeons.


Thank you for you're response mate. I agree with you, these other guys around Europe, especially in Belgium seem to be quite a lot better, and you seem to get more hairs for your money's worth! :eek:

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I was born in the UK & if I was still living there I wouldn't have a HT even if it was free.

Forget about Rooney & crew having HT in a top London clinic, I think his HT is Poo when if he done a little more research instead of being a lazy fat get he is like on the field sorry don't like the dickhead.


But anyways....as they say don't make your choice on money & travel which is good advice

Yep look into europe / turkey what the hell you could jump on the euro tunnel for peanets & boom you have many different worldwide respected Drs there as you already worked out.

My advice look for the Dr who consistantly shows good results.


Set up a few consultaions online via skype most clinks seem to be doing a lot of that now.


Need to ask you what sort of HT are you looking for or want? FUT or FUE?

Being you done your homework you should know the answer.


I see your taking Meds....yep good on you....stick with it because I can see your young & at least this will buy you time.

You may not see much gains but it may well slow down or stop the rott to a certain degree that & rogain is the only FDA approved drugs out there...the rest is just snake oil.

Try some supplements....like Biotin , MSN, fish oil & Vit D3 none of this will grow your hair but can & will make your hair stronger.


A few Qs..

On the NW scale what would you be now & what could you be in 10 or 20yrs?

What's you family history with the Males in your family? Is your dad a high NW?


All this need to be taking into account prior.

Plan for the long term future not the present.

Be smart about it & take your time.

Best wishes.


Thanks for you're reply my friend!


I think Rooney's is not to bad, considering he was high up on the Norwood Scale? But maybe you're right, if he'd done his research, he could have had an even better result from somewhere outside England!


I would much prefer to go with the FUE procedure, mainly because you don't get the big scar, and recovery time is apparently quicker. :) However, I heard that FUT can gather a greater portion of hair in one go, so I suppose it depends on what the doctor would recommend in order to have a better result. But my preference is certainly FUE!


I agree with you mate. Before I started the meds, I used a product called 'Provillus'. This is when I was in my last year of school and I didn't really know about all the other medications. This did nothing for me though, and when I met a Trichologist who recommended me to go on Propecia and Minoxidil, I felt so bad because I could have started when I was 18 instead of late 19! :(

I do a lot of exercise and I'm very sporty so I try to eat as well as I can. Lots of vegetables and vitamins, high protein and carbohydrates too. I'm going to look in to the Biotin and Fish Oil though. As you said, it won't regrow my hair, but instead, contribute in to the overall scalp and head health. :cool:


To answer you're questions, I'm probably about a Norwood 3.5 on the Scale which is receded temples with a thinning crown. I'm really not sure what Norwood I could be in the future, but the males in my family such as my dad, uncle and grandfather are bald. They are about a 5A or 6. But the baldness is supposed to come from you're mother's father isn't it? And in my family, he didn't started loosing his hair until his late thirties.. :confused:


Thanks again!

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Some very good advice provided...;)


And I agree that first and foremost, consider the docs that you believe do the best work and would give you the best result.


And if it were me in your location, definitely consider your choices in Europe as you would be able to take the train to various clinics in Belgium very economically and quickly to be evaluated in person. That way you get to meet each recommended doctor in person and may be able to see some of their patients face-to-face.


The closer these European clinics are to one another, the more competitive they are going to be to each other, generally speaking. This gives you the opportunity to really fine tune your choice which will be more related to the skill of the doctor rather than choosing one because of the price being cheaper.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Yep so good sound advice coming from everyone here buddy.


MPB a lot a people it just comes from your Dads side but that's not always the case it can also come from your mums side of the family all be it mostly the males...but the truth of the matter its just a gage & not always to do with the genes in some cases....sometimes its just bad luck.

Its a lotto mate.

All you can do is keep taking the only 2 things that won't cure but will & can slow or even stop your hairloss & buy you some good yrs.

You may not see any gains like some but if your not shedding as much then the Meds are doing its job so don't feel down on that.


Try & speak with as many Drs you can, take your time, HT will be around for sometime.


Best wishes buddy.

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Thanks for you're reply my friend!


I think Rooney's is not to bad, considering he was high up on the Norwood Scale? But maybe you're right, if he'd done his research, he could have had an even better result from somewhere outside England!


I would much prefer to go with the FUE procedure, mainly because you don't get the big scar, and recovery time is apparently quicker. :) However, I heard that FUT can gather a greater portion of hair in one go, so I suppose it depends on what the doctor would recommend in order to have a better result. But my preference is certainly FUE!


I agree with you mate. Before I started the meds, I used a product called 'Provillus'. This is when I was in my last year of school and I didn't really know about all the other medications. This did nothing for me though, and when I met a Trichologist who recommended me to go on Propecia and Minoxidil, I felt so bad because I could have started when I was 18 instead of late 19! :(

I do a lot of exercise and I'm very sporty so I try to eat as well as I can. Lots of vegetables and vitamins, high protein and carbohydrates too. I'm going to look in to the Biotin and Fish Oil though. As you said, it won't regrow my hair, but instead, contribute in to the overall scalp and head health. :cool:


To answer you're questions, I'm probably about a Norwood 3.5 on the Scale which is receded temples with a thinning crown. I'm really not sure what Norwood I could be in the future, but the males in my family such as my dad, uncle and grandfather are bald. They are about a 5A or 6. But the baldness is supposed to come from you're mother's father isn't it? And in my family, he didn't started loosing his hair until his late thirties.. :confused:


Thanks again!


Rooney's result was solid initially, but unfortunately he continued to bald post HT - I wonder if he was on Propecia & Rogaine. I believe he has had 2 procedures to date, although the lad uses an excessive amount of Toppic.

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To be honest I'm not sure if the FA. Drs would let him use Fin, it may be on one of the many drugs on there banned list. We soon find out in the coming yrs I guess if he keeps what he has but I feel he's going to be chasing his tail for some time.


I don't really care for him tbh I think he's well over rated but got to give him respect for coming out like that, that takes balls...no pun intended.

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HT is quite cheap in turkey but not assured about quality and results. You can ask friends or relative if have in turkey about reliable HT doctors. You can also get reliable and affordable HT in India but slightly expensive than turkey.

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It's best not to rush into things and really take the time to research and compare all of the options and doctors...;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Thanks so much for all you're help guys. I'm going to start a new thread with my final choices and plan of action to see what you think and if it's okay or not!

Great responses, I can't thank you all enough for the advice I've been given :)

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