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Darling Buds India - Dr Tejinder Bhatti

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I am 35 years old, I start noticing thinning and receding hair when I was 21 years old. I was very conscious and it changed my life. At first I thought I was sick or have a rear virus in my blood that is causing my hair loss. So I have my hair checked, then the doctor told me that I have an alopecia or male pattern hair loss. In short I'm getting bald and I'm not sick.


Then on 2005 I decided to have my 1st FUT hair transplant in Nu/Hart forgot the name of the doctor, it was a waste of time and money. The doctor just put around 600 to 700 and I think there are still a lot of spaces to be planted, but the doctor told me that I need at least 2 procedures to reach the density that I would be satisfy.


Then on 2009 I decided to go to through another HT in the Philippine Dr. Andrew Pineda (I still don't have any idea about FUE at that time) and if I remember it correctly I think he put 1200 to 1300 grafts. It was way better than the first procedure. Considering the 1st doctor told me that I needed two procedures to be satisfied with the result, I still think Dr. Pineda did much better than my 1st doctor. It brought half of my life back, but when you look at my head in some angles and especially when light passes through it is still obvious that I have a thin hair.


And now Im planning to have my 3rd HT, I decided to go FUE and I am arranging my schedule with Dr. Bhatti in India he has a very reasonable price and has a very high % survival rate, I have read so many satisfied patients and I have a very high expectation from him. So join me in my journey to India, I'll be posting my result for 12 months











Edited by FirminoStark
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  • Senior Member

From a fellow Dr. Bhatti patient, may I say you've made an excellent choice. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the outcome.


I look forward to following your progress.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Congratulations! You made the best possible choice by choosing Dr. Bhatti.

He is the best of the best. Great doctor with great assistants.

From your arrival to your departure, everything will be looked after.


If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask.


I had a FUE 1528 grafts with Dr. Bhatti and I am really pleased with my choice.

Take the time to visit incredible India.

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I'am from Hong Kong, thank you for your reply! I am already booked this mid July for the procedure, I know that Im in the hands of an expert. So before the procedure I also want to make a side trip.


We planned to stay 1 night in Delhi before going to Chandigarh, I'm going with my wife by the way. We already spent the airfare we might as well make the most out of it, but with a tight budget. We plan to visit the Majestic Taj Mahal and also Agra, I think that is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Delhi.


Can anybody body suggest an area in Delhi where should we stay, or where does most tourist stay In delhi? Is GURGAON okay? I see many malls in that area.

Edited by FirminoStark
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  • Senior Member
I'am from Hong Kong, thank you for your reply! I am already booked this mid July for the procedure, I know that Im in the hands of an expert. So before the procedure I also want to make a side trip.


We planned to stay 1 night in Delhi before going to Chandigarh, Im be going with my wife by the way. We already spent the airfare we might as well make the most out of it, but with a tight budget. We plan to visit the Majestic Taj Mahal and also Agra, I think that is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Delhi.


Can anybody body suggest an area in Delhi where should we stay, or where does most tourist stay In delhi? Is GURGAON okay? I see many malls in that area.


Hi FirminoStark,


Congratulations on booking your procedure date with Dr. Bhatti.


A visit to Taj Mahal seems like a great idea. Taj Mahal is a mystical and romantic place that everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime. Please note that Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra. As far as staying in Gurgaon is concerned, not a bad idea. Gurgaon is actually a nice and upcoming city with tons of high end shopping malls. I believe Agra is about 235 kilometers (146 miles) from Gurgaon.


Have fun:)


Best regards,



DarlingBuds FUE's profile photo 
North America Representative and Patient Advisor for:
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Welcome to our community and thanks for sharing your experience and photos on our discussion forum. Your contributions will help others considering Dr. Bhatti make informed decisions. In my opinion, Dr. Bhatti does excellent work and I feel confident that you will be very happy with experience and the end result. I encourage you to share your experience and photos each month as you progress so that we can watch your transformation.


Best wishes for a successful hair restoration experience,



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Hi FirminoStark


If you have only 1 night and 1 day to visit the Taj Mahal and the Agra Fort, a budget hotel near the railway station might be a good solution for you.You can also check Tripadvisor.

Award Winning Budget Hotel in Delhi - Hotelajanta.com


Have a great stay and Yes you are in the hands of an expert by choosing Dr. Bhatti.

All the best and enjoy beautiful India


I had a FUE 1528 grafts with Dr. Bhatti


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Hi darlinglock,


Thank you for your suggestions, I would never thought of the staying near railway station. And I would never find that beautiful budget hotel. Thans a lot for your recommendations.




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  • 1 year later...
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Hi guys! I’m back and the procedure was a success! Allow me to share with you our experience in India.

After the long flight my wife & I finally arrived in New Delhi around 10am. The airport is very nice, I admire the modern design it’s huge! We immediately went to the online visa counter. It was a breeze the immigration officer is really nice. What a way to start our journey

I remember Dr Bhatti advised us to buy sim card in the airport. While we’re in queue we notice two groups of foreigner back out from buying the sim card, and then when it was our turn, we find the price of the sim card package expensive, and we thought we can buy it much cheaper somewhere in the city, so we also backed out. Well that’s what we thought. If we bought the sim card we can use an Uber taxi from the airport, and I don’t think that uber taxi will be more expensive compare to Meru airport taxi that we took going to our hotel.

When we arrived in our hotel, we rested a few minutes and decided to have our lunch in the mall. We took a tuktuk going to Ambience Mall, I think we paid INR 100.00 for that ride, it was an experienced! I read many reviews about the drivers in India. I thought they were exaggerating about the horrendous driving in India. I’ve been in Vietnam and Philippines. I thought I had experienced dangerous streets. I’m also a driver by the way, and most of my passenger would say that I drive fast. Well going back to our tuktuk ride. Wow! My right foot constantly stiffens. It’s like I’m constantly trying to step on a break of a car. I hope you get the idea. The tuk tuk has no window or door that we could close, so we need to be extra careful and more vigilant with the surroundings, we also passed a street that was not yet paved cement, it is kind a dusty or should I say very dusty.

When we arrived at the mall I think it was around 3pm Indian time that is 5:30pm Honk Kong time, it means we are famished, so we decided to have our late lunch first. Like many of us we would like to know the culture and the food of the foreign country that we visit so we decided to choose an Indian restaurant. I forgot the name of the restaurant, but we ordered biryani rice with mutton, curry chicken with pita bread. I tell you it was a delight! I didn’t expect that I would like Indian food. At first I thought Indian food would taste weird for me, just out of curiosity and being adventurous we’ve tried it and liked it!

We were stuffed! And next stop was to buy a sim card. We went to Airtel one of the leading network company in India, I took the advice of the person seated beside me, before we landed in Delhi and he recommended me to get sim card from Airtel. Unfortunately we were not allowed to purchase a sim card; we needed a person that is a residence of India that they can confirm where we are staying. Even though we already presented our passport, picture and show them which hotel we are staying. So my advice is if you plan to get a sim card in India, get it in the airport. So it would be activated and can be used as soon as possible, the price in the market or mall are not be that much of a difference compared in the airport. To make the story short I didn’t get my sim card that day, I got my sim card on the next day when we’re on our way to Taj Mahal and it is hard to find airtel in that area, so I got it from Vodafone. By the way the mobile internet service in India was very poor. I have not consumed even ? of the data service that I bought.

Via online we booked a private package tour which includes Taj Mahal and Agra fort. Sorry I forgot the name of the travel company. A driver would pick you up early in the morning and drive you to Agra, there we met our tour guide. Taj Mahal is truly a wonder; you need to see it for yourself! We enjoyed it so much not just the beauty and structure of the building, but also the story and history of many people exerted so much effort and sacrifice to build the building.

We went back early to catch Kingdom of Dreams. Our schedule didn’t allow us to see any show, so we just had our dinner there. When we were about to go home, the place is like a ghost town. There’s no public transportation available and its peach black in the area considering it’s a tourist attraction. We were a little scared.

Next day we had an early morning flight to Chandigarh. We were picked up by Dr. Bhatti’s driver, Mr Sachin. He is very nice and helpful to us, and he brought us to our hotel and helped us with our things. Later that afternoon we went to Dr. Bhatti for initial check-up. He assesses the area & hair strands required to be transplanted.

The following day we went to the clinic early in the morning. It’s the day of my procedure. I was the first patient that day. Dr Bhatti usually does two procedures a day. Big procedure goes 1st then 2nd is the small procedure. So it means I have more graft compared to the other patient.

First he put ice on my head, and then he injected anaesthesia. He repeats it until he covers the back part of my head where he will extract hair. The he waited for a while and checked if the anaesthesia is already working before he started the extraction process. In some part of my head I felt pain and the sound of the extraction made it worst so I told them which part are hurting so they can put more anaesthesia. Dr Bhatti himself did this procedure. During the extraction I was facing down on the operating table it took a while before he got all the graft that he needed. I was having back pain and stiff neck; it was really uncomfortable not to mention some pain caused by the extraction. I guess I really need a lot of hair. I wish I could have a break and stretch my back but the extraction should be done in one go without break.

Then after that incision would start right away, this time I would be in a sitting position, now I’m in a better and more comfortable position Dr Bhatti also did this procedure. We had a little break and ate our lunch, and then I went back in the operating table then planting started, this is done by the nurses you just need to sit back and relax while waiting for the planting to be completed because this would take a while.

After the procedure Dr Bhatti and his staff cleaned my head and explained to me the after care, they also gave me a medicine and when to take it. You can also check youtube if you forget any part of the instructions.

Then the next morning we went back to the clinic for final check-up before we went back home. I also bought minoxidil and finasteride. I guess this will hasten the growth of my hair.

Thanks everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading as I enjoyed writing this

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for sharing your experience! Dr. Bhatti does excellent work I hope you'll keep us posted on your progress.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Hi FirminiStark,


I thoroughly enjoyed reading your write up. Very informative. Nicely done!

Happy that you got to visit the incredible Taj Mahal.......


Happy growing. Please do keep the updates coming.


Best regards,



DarlingBuds FUE's profile photo 
North America Representative and Patient Advisor for:
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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