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28 year old debating on hair transplant (pics)

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I have been seeing quite a steady receding of my hairline both frontal and temporal regions since I was about 21. I feel as though I am also thinning in the front somewhat and loosing my density, and I have always had thicker hair and would love to be able to grow my hair out longer and/or cut it short again without having such a significant recess on my hairline. I do not feel as though I am thinning in the crown area, but I have yet to had that properly examined in person.


After research I would go more into the area of FUE due to sometimes preferring the shorter haircut and yes I am fully aware that the yield from FUT is much greater, but I went more vain on the choice of the lesser of the two evils. I have spoken to Dr. Diep about 4 years ago very briefly through an email and he quoted me but said a more realistic quote is always in person.


So me being in my late twenties is also a risky choice because I have personally seen what happens when someone gets a hair transplant operation done too early and then they NEED to keep going back time and time again to fill in the newly thinning areas.


Without further adieu my pictures. (sorry for the sideways pictures I have no idea why they came out like that. Pointers welcome Thank you)






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Hi Patrickcc,

I think you should leave well enough alone. Your hair looks pretty darn good as it is. Maybe in a few years if you still feel the need, but know that multiple operations are the norm, not the exception. I would not rush into a HT at this point. If you really lose a lot on in the front in the next 5 years than maybe consider a HT but for now be thankful you have a good head of hair.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi Patrickcc,

I think you should leave well enough alone. Your hair looks pretty darn good as it is. Maybe in a few years if you still feel the need, but know that multiple operations are the norm, not the exception. I would not rush into a HT at this point. If you really lose a lot on in the front in the next 5 years than maybe consider a HT but for now be thankful you have a good head of hair.


Ok I do understand a lot of people probably look at this and may feel a little insulted that I am here worrying about my hair when in comparison to many others I am barely losing or recessed. But this is not what I am used to and my hairline in the past two years has taken a serious nosedive after looking through pictures.


I have been thinking every time I style my hair and I see how recessed it is on my right frontal/temporal region, and I have noticed recently just how much my hair on the left side is now thinning and I can see alot of my scalp as well.


So when you mention multiple operations are the norm, may I ask if two to three operations are the norm then? I was quoted by Dr Diep to have about 2100 grafts for my regions of worry.





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a lot of people probably look at this and may feel a little insulted that I am here worrying about my hair when in comparison to many others I am barely losing or recessed
Not at all. Thats what this forum is for.

I just think you have good hair but of course it all comes down to How you feel about it.

About multiple procedures: It depends on your final NW pattern and how you want to look. Do you have any thinning or did Dr. Diep mention any miniaturization of the hairs on the top of your head?

Do you have any hairloss in your family history (either side)?

Basically try to figure out where you are headed and be sure to find out your total donor graft count before going in. This will help to determine your final outcome. Also Finasteride might really help stop that loss that is happening now. Think about it.

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I think you should get on finasteride if you are considering a transplant. I think if it bothers you a lot, go for it (if you get on fin) after doing through research. Just getting on fin well likely slow your loss and as you get a little older (35) you'll likely become more comfortable with the hairline you have. Whatever you decide, good luck.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I definitely see your concern, but I personally think your hairline looks good and you pull it off well. There's always a fine line between a hairline that is "receding" and a hairline that is "mature". Based on the photos, I don't look at you and think "Wow... He's going bald," and that's in large part due to the fact that the hair you do have on the hairline seems to be quite dense and intact. There are guys with perfectly good heads of hair that have hairlines like that. You could definitely be headed down the path of a more severe bald pattern, but for now I think it works for you. Where you're headed though all depends on (as MagnumPi mentioned) what your pattern is, family history, miniaturization levels, etc.


My situation before my HT was a little different in that the hair along my hairline wasn't dense and in tact. It was receding and thinning at a pretty rapid rate, and it didn't have the same "mature hairline" look that you have (in my opinion). When pulled back, I felt it was pretty obvious that I was going bald.


With that said, you've received good advice from the other members. Look into finasteride, ask about your miniaturization levels so you can get a pretty good idea of how your hair loss will proceed, and continue doing research and asking questions. And ultimately, it comes down to what works for you and what you feel good about.


Also, it is true that most people will have to have another procedure at some point, so that's something to keep in mind. A girlfriend of mine was talking the other day about having to get her breast implants redone in a couple of years and she explained how they have to get them replaced every 10 years or so... It made me think that if these women can have a couple procedures for their boobs, I figure us men can handle a followup procedure or two for our hair.... :) (Given we have the donor supply, of course... )

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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