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Please help, looking for a surgeon


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Hey guys, first post I really hope you guys can help me. Heres my history, I started balding when I was 21 years old, I'm currently 24 years old turning 25 in August and my hair loss is becoming extremely aggressive. I've been on rogaine and minoxidil for more than 2 years and nothing is working for me. I was on propecia for the first year and stopped because of the side effects I experienced, the doctor recommended I stop. Ive been looking non stop for a surgeon and for some reason Ive been turned down by a couple doctors one being Dr. Doganay. Im extremely depressed and this has resulted in me taking anti depressants to the point of not even working cause I'm embarrassed to show my head, and to the point where suicide has been attempted. My mom found out and immediately took me to a councillor. Im not here for the sympathy even though this is an amazing community where everyone looks after each other, I'm just asking if someone can point me at a doctor that would deal with me. Dr Dogonay said I didn't have enough donor hair cause my thinning area is so large. Please help me guys, I would appreciate any advice. Here are some pictures.

Ps I live in Calgary Alberta Canada and I'm willing to travel anywhere in the world to have this procedure done. Thank you again.




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Hey man. Sorry to hear about what you're going through. First things first, I hope you've been able to make headway and get some ongoing help with a therapist of some sort to work on your image issues, and most importantly to address the suicidal thoughts and make sure you stay safe. I'm glad to hear your mom was proactive in getting that set up for you, so keep it up.


A few thoughts: As much as many of us men (both on this forum and off) care about our hair and want to do everything we can to fix/maintain it, at the end of the day, we all have to realize it's not the absolute end of the world if we're not able to. There are many talented, successful, attractive, funny, smart men out there who don't have a full head of hair - some that have none at all. My brother-in-law, for example, is practically completely bald at 34 - but he genuinely doesn't care (nor does my sister). He's an extremely funny, smart, talented guy living a full and happy life. And on the flip side of that, there are men out there with full, gorgeous heads of hair who have zero personality, charm, or anything else of substance to bring to the table. Point being - the hair does not make the man.


I say all of this to point out to you that on the chance that you're not a good candidate for a hair transplant, you realize that your life isn't over. I know you're young and it possibly seems like it would be the end of the world, but I promise you it's not. Find other outlets you can use to express yourself and build up your confidence, and understand that our innate worth as people doesn't come from anything physical. We are all so much more than our physical bodies, and if you can self identify with those other parts of yourself, you'll find yourself much happier, carefree, and alive - with or without hair.


Now, as for the hair transplant: I'm glad you're at least seeking out other opinions so that you feel you're doing everything you can do. I will say, however, that based on the photos, you don't appear to be the most ideal candidate. You're still quite young, and based on your description, your hair loss is still quite aggressive. This mean it hasn't stabilized and could continue to progress. Without getting your present hair stabilized, a hair transplant wouldn't do you much good. It's unfortunate that the Propecia didn't work for you, as that's usually one of the best ways to help stabilize the hair loss.


You do have quite a lot of hair loss, and I agree with Dr. Dogonay that your donor doesn't seem to be sufficient. It's also important to note that you have been turned down by several other doctors as well. When surgeons turn down a patient, it generally is for no other reason than they believe it is in your best interest not to have the procedure. Unfortunately, hair transplants just aren't a viable option for everyone. If the surgeon feels like a HT would not lead to satisfactory results, they have an obligation to be upfront and honest with the patient about this. (And at the end of the day, an unqualified candidate would be grateful for the surgeon's honesty years down the road when they finally realize that it was a good decision.)


I hate to be the reiterator of bad news here for you. But who knows - maybe some surgeon somewhere could come up with a master plan for you to get you headed in the right direction. But more importantly than anything hair related, I would love to see you gain some confidence and get out there and conquer the world - hair or no hair. :cool:

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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Some very wise words and good advice from Brenton.


If you're still set on pursuing a hair transplant, it might be worth getting in touch with Dr Umar in California. He's helped a lot of guys by using body and beard hair. He's not cheap, but if you can afford him and have a thick beard he may be able to improve your situation.


The very best of luck.

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  • Regular Member

Thank you pkipling, I'm trying to accept it but honestly I just can't. I know theres more to life than just a full head of hair, but without my confidence I'm nothing.. I just want help very badly and I'm hoping one doctor is able to help me. I don't want a full head of hear I always buzz my hair with a zero on the sides and a #1 on top so the top all try and appear "thicker", so I'm not looking for perfect density. Do you have any suggestions for any doctors that may be able to help me out that have these expertise? Thank you pkipling

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Just checked out his site CaptainRon and wow he's expensive.. the most expensive surgeon I've seen. Any other doctors with his skill set that may able to help at a more reasonable cost? Thank you so much

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Hey there,


I don't know of anyone else who does body hair as well as Dr Umar, but I'm no expert and someone else here may be able to advise you in this respect. Also, I'm not sure that cost should be a factor in your position - you need the best possible result you can get. First of all, I'd consult with Dr Umar (you can do this by email / via his website at no cost) and see what he says. Then, if needs be, I'd start saving. I appreciate you want to fix your situation as quickly as possible, but you're still young and, while you're saving, at least you'll know there's a solution out there for you. In the mean time, you could take PKipling's advice and work on your confidence in other ways / hit the gym etc.


If you're only interested in a modest change - Dr Konior might also be a good surgeon to consult with (again, you can do this online at no cost). I don't know if he will be able to help you, but from what I've seen/heard of him, if your goals are modest I think he would do everything he could to help get you there.


Again - good luck and let us know how it goes.

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ATG1- Sorry to hear your story and how hair loss has effected your confidence.


Brenton has given you excellent advice and said pretty much what I would have said to you.


Hair transplants are not for everyone and whilst I think beard hair can look decent as a filler amongst native hair or transplanted scalp hair I would not start something if you do not have the donor hair and more importantly the funds to see it through.


You look to be in good shape physically and I think you have a perfectly good shaped head for shaving I would work on that and let that be your focus.


You are young with an aggressive pattern of loss and it is unlikely that you will get enough scalp hair grafts to make a cosmetically good enough benefit to surgery. Whatever you decide please take your time and try to focus on the positives in your life rather than hair. Have you tried shaving it all down and see how you look?


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Hey GarageLand, I do have the funds money is not an issue I've been saving for this since its started. Yes I have and Im not happy with the way I look. I have plenty of facial hair and I'm hoping that may be my only option at this point and Im definitely considering. I just hope doctor Umar considers me as a candidate. Thanks for your response

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You mentioned cost which is why I brought up the issue. I had my first transplant at 23 and I had similar feelings to you. No one was going to talk me out of having a transplant I had pinned all my hopes on it. I had a bad head for shaving and I liked the way I looked with hair. The first Doctor I saw was happy to do it so decision made I went through with it. You have had several surgeons turn you down, how I wish I was told not to do it, maybe I would have listened or maybe I would have just kept going until I found someone that was willing.


Just take your time and consider the reality of multiple procedures and the financial burden that will involve. Ultimately whatever you decide to do meet some Doctors in person before going ahead and just as importantly meet some patients with advanced loss like you.


At least then you can can get an idea of what to expect. I wish you all the best.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Hair transplants are not for everyone and whilst I think beard hair can look decent as a filler amongst native hair or transplanted scalp hair I would not start something if you do not have the donor hair and more importantly the funds to see it through.


This is a very good point: I don't think beard (and body) hair by itself would give you a very natural result. As Garageland says - it works best as a filler, so if you don't have enough scalp donor hair to combine with it, surgery may not be the best option for you. Even if you do, I think your goals would still need to be fairly modest.


I would take Garageland's advice over mine own - he's far, far more experienced in these matters than me. As fo Dr Umar - I simply wanted to offer you a possible option, it wasn't my intention to give you false hope. I apologise if this turns out to be the case. If it turns out surgery is not viable for you, I agree with Brenton - don't lose hope and try to focus on the other positive things in life.


All the very best.

Edited by CaptainRon
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Thank you, I'm trying my hardest to find someone for some reason its rejection after rejection and I don't know why. I wish someone can help me.

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Yea I understand it works as a filler, I shave my head to a number 1 on the top and number 0 on the sides so I just want that somewhat dense look. But in cases like mine is there any hope at all?

Are their any Doctors that have the options to help me at all? Dr Umar does seem from what you said one of the best options considering how he gets hair from other parts. I have a really thick beard so I'm hoping that could help me. Thank you and sorry for the annoyance, just trying to get on the right path in a sense. Thank you.

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No need to apologise! You're not being annoying at all - that's what this forum is here for: to ask questions and get advice.


I don't see any harm in consulting with Dr Umar - as long as you prepare yourself for the possibility that he may not think you're a suitable candidate. Whatever you decide to do from here, take Garageland's advice: progress slowly and carefully, and try to meet with beard/body hair patients so you can see what to expect.

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Don't know how much to thank you, so much positive advice. Its nerve racking thinking if he turns me down then I think theres no hope whatsoever and no one wants to help me. I thought everyone has a chance at regaining their natural hair. Really hope I find a doctor thats willing to help me.

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you know that there are lots of rich people in the world who are plain bald. I have seen a lot of hair tranplant surgens who are bald. If there is no hope then there is no hope. Lots of girls like bald guys.

I have seen people who are butchered because of terrible FUT operations. You wouldnt be one of them. They have no chance but to wear a wig to the end of their lives

I have just had a hair transplant as well. If mine will not work, I will simply have a head shave daily. Its not the end of the world.

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I understand its not the end of the world, but when its part of your self esteem and it affects your confidence its not that easy to get over it. It'll be a tough transition if no one can help me, but I guess it'll just take time.

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Thank you for your concern I appreciate it. Should I remain in contact JUST with the doctors recommended on this website?


Yes, all the doctors recommended on this website are good some are The Best!!!

Mail them and see what are their opinions because they are real experts

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  • Senior Member

Yes, I agreed with Walky, if no doctors are willing to perform surgery, please don't end your life and loose hope there are options.

Hair Systems

Nowadays Hair systems are really natural and undetectable you may also check out "Hair System" forum, many users have shared their experience

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  • Regular Member

Omg I didn't know what that was until now.. That would be amazing!! Do you know any recommended doctors on here that do that process? Thank you so much!

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