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HT experience with doctor Radha on 29th of april, approx 3000 grafts


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Hello everyone this is my first post on the website but I have been reading and documenting here a lot so I feel very obliged to share back my experience.

I am a 27yr male with NW2 receeding hairline, been thinning at the front for the last 5years, nothing too terrible but still noticeable as I also have quite a big head :D. USed minoxidil for few years but seemed to loose effect in the last 2.


I choose Dr Radha as I've seen her excellent results and especially her care for each patient, proce was a factor as well but not the only one. I also planned to visit India anyway so that was fitting my needs.

I have to say my expectations about Radha were fully met when I had the first visit with her three days before surgery.

Before the HT we exchanged quite a few emails and she always replied personally, and even if not all my emails were answered, i totally unerstand why as the amount of work she has on her shoulders is very large.

I can confirm that she does one surgery a day, being always present and hands on for what i could see during surgery, and she is sorrounded by a noumerous team of female professional assistants. Very excellent impression!


BEfore surgery we talked about expetations and we draw a line for the recipient area, wich would be just the frontal and temples as I have a receding hairline but so far no hairloss on the crown at all.


We decided to go for approx 2500 grafts but the donor area yelded a bit more than 3000 with lots of double and triple hair, due to the fact that my density was higher than expected (Ill post correct numbers asap)


The procedure went smooth and I did not feel uncomfortable or restless like many other people i read stories about; I believe it depends a lot on just relaxing and letting the pros do the job... a bit of pain and discomfort is to be expected both during and after HT as your scalp goes through a lot, but we're all grown boys so we should be able to make it without screaming like babies:)


After the surgery was finished (wich took very long as I walked in the clinic at 8.30 and walked out at 7!) I was given more antibiotics and painkillers for the following days.


Overall I feel extremely satsfied and positive about Dr Radha, her assistants and the clinic in general, even if it's early to comment on the results!

I'm going to post pre and post op pics as soon as I have them, but looking in the mirror the work done looked very clean and neat.

thanks to you all for all the information You make avaiable on the website!

here are some pics few weeks before surgery Hair Restoration Social Network - Hair Loss and Transplant Photos

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Welcome and thanks for taking the time to share your hair transplant experience with Dr. Radha! I'm looking forward to your pics.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Hello everyone I have the pics from opday. here they are Hair Restoration Social Network - Hair Loss and Transplant Photos

Now it's day 5 and I'm doing very well, the only discomfort I had was tightness at the back but it's slowly going away so no probs. I didn't do any laxity exercise so that would have been a good idea maybe!!

So far no grafts fell nor any bleeding. I do look weird with long hair in the middle and sides of my head and I can't wait to be able to cut them a bit :)

If anyone is going to have a surgery with Radha I totally reccomend this Hotel very close to the clinic that she suggested me. It's been open only since 9 months and they don't have a website so You'll have to ask Radha for the number.

It's called Hotel Pioneer and it's less than 100 mts from clinic i believe.

PRice is approx 20 bucks a night w breakfast, super clean, very nice staff, room cleaned and new towels every day, Aircon and fans. Love it!!!

Anyway I'm wondering when i can start using minox again... i read 2 weeks but is that really necessary to wait 2 weeks? I had no bleeding so I think my recipient area is pretty healed even if not many scabs fall off. What do you think?


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  • Regular Member

Thanks fr the quick reply buddy...iam also planning for a hair transplant from Dr Radha...my situation is also somewhat similar to urs....have started loosing a lot from the front...crown area not dat much.....if i do have ny doubts will post it here....

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Hello little update... approx week 2 now and all scabs have fallen together with few hairs everyday.

No redness or itchiness at all luckily!

Donor area is completely healed and i already can't feel to the touch the scar! Radha does a great job on that!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Hi guys as u can see from pics 1 month in most grafts have fallen... no major redness or pain so all good!

scar is totally undetectable already and i cant even feel it with my fingers, awesome.

please share some comments if u have any!


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I noticed Dr. Radha often puts makes indentations along the hairline (it's not perfectly straight), is this to give a more natural looking hairline?

What about if the hair is cut very short will this look jagged and unnatural or will it be fine once the implants have matured? Im asking as I plan on visiting her in the future.

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  • 1 month later...
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Here is a little update... month 3 approx!Everything looks ok but still no growth except some hair graft that apparently didnt fall at all yet! I had quite a bit of native hair starting to grow again after shockloss was over, i guess. Now looking forward for the next few months, i should start seeing some results!

Scar is still dtectable if I cut my hair very short, and it looks darker than the rest of the skin (any suggestions for this?)







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I also have another question for u guys! Why some doctors like Dr Radha do these sort of V shapes on the hairline of their patients (have look at my pic below)? How does it look when it's "over"? I didn't ask for it, i don't mind it but I just wonder what the outcome is going to be like compared to a regular hairline...

thanks everyone!


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