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Pictured is a 52 year old male who had 2880 FUT grafts placed in the frontal and mid-scalp area. The photos show before surgery, immediate post-op, and 1 year post-op. Patient is very pleased with result.











ts 2880 FUT grafts before & 1 year post-op.pdf

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Well, here is a question Dr. Glenn M. Charles:

Considering his donor hair, I do not think he is in position to go to a head cover with hair. Do you not think it would be better of such people accepted the baldness in the first place. I am curious to know that when the donor area is not capable of provided the needed hair, what a person is required to do? In the case of this person, is he really capable of another session and doubling the density? how further can he go?

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  • Regular Member

I am on my lunch break so typing fast (please excuse any grammatical mistakes). I think for this case you have to take into consideration the age of the patient. I would completely agree with the comments above if the patient was in his late 20s or early 30s with the eventual goal of achieving full coverage. With his donor characteristics, this would be a challenging (probably impossible) task. However, for his age, I think the result looks natural assuming the patient wanted some frontal hair to frame his face and some midscalp hair to create the illusion of density (which based on the OP from Dr.Charles sounds like what the patient wanted to achieve). I also think this case is also a good example of how much coverage can realistically be achieved with 2800 grafts considering the recipient area was very sparse. My only concern (since I can't really see the patient's entire back head) is the stability of the donor area and if the scar will eventually become visible since his sides seem to be somewhat thin. Dr. Charles, do you think this patient should be concerned about his donor area at all? Were there are any signs of miniaturization?

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I think the coverage is decent. The issue is that the hair is so short, the layering effect is not happening. If he grew it longer, it would be a totally different result.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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can't draw blood from a stone. poor donor and a vast area to cover. guy jus looks less bald now. doesn't look very natural. prob not a gd candidate for a HT but if the patient is happy then gd for him.

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