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general anesthesia? bro them injections don't hurt that much. cmon.... no way wud I want to be out that long to save a couple minutes of injections. thats crazy and dangerous imo! looks good tho. he's a great surgeon so I'm sure it will turn out fine.


can't tell from the pics how long its been for each set. how far along are the latest pics?

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General anesthesia is dangerous. Some people do better than others. I won't say that the injections don't hurt because that is a personal thing and everyone feels pain different. That said it should be avoided when not very necessary. I don't think it's a good practice.


That said, for a man your age and weight you are in a pretty low risk category.


Result seems to be coming along very nicely.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

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I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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thats why twilight is used by most plastic surgeons these days. yes general anesthesia is dangerous.


seven patients in every million die from general. 1 in 20 die after the first year of general. In the over 65 age group, it’s one in 10. so yea its pretty dangerous.

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  • Senior Member

Dear HT-AUG14,


Thanks for sharing your experience and results.


@Dear All,


Thanks for your comments. As Mr. HT-AUG14 mentioned he had sedation. We do it if a patient has a low pain threshold, and wants to have sedation.


How we do it:


Before local anesthesia, the patient is put into sleep for 10 minutes. During this 10 minutes we apply local anesthesia that the patient do not feel pain of local anesthesia. Additionally, the patient keeps breathing naturally during this time, no intervention to his respiratory system. We do sedation under the control of anesthesia doctor and if a patient is suitable and wants to do it.


Sedation is being used commonly in the world for some surgeries such as tooth extraction .


Thanks again for your comments.

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