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2000 grafts dr karadeniz


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Well its the day after my opp, think im still pretty much in the shock faze of things, its not what I was expecting in my head, but guess the surgeon knows best and results will tell if worthit...


anyways I will start from beginning, I have been suffering hairloss since early 20s, that combined with fine hair....not good. I am now 30 and my hairline was receeding and thin at front. I tried a crew cut and thought bugger having hair....but I looked ill and the receeding further on 1 side than the other made me even more insecure. I then grew my hair, but this was fine in general as covered my receeding, however windy day and I was in hell...constantly paranoid my hair would not stay in place etc...covering it in products to ensure stayed in place, but got to point I was spending longer on it than my lass with hers lol...


I have been thinking about transplants for a while, reading this forum, studying different surgeons work. At present I am off work and finally decided now was the time, as I would have sufficient recovery time etc... initially I provisionaly booked with dr demirsoy, turkey....however after searching a bit more I opted for dr karadeniz.initially I found out about him on a website called longevita...I liked the fact he spoke english, from our discussions he seemed passionate about topic of hairloss, he was confident and his work seemed sound. This tied in with fact he is now recommended on this site swayed it for me. He was always there via skype and email to answer my queries etc.... I recieved a quote from longevita and decided perhaps best cutting out middle man and going straight to dr karadeniz.. he agreed same price as longevita, with transplant of 2500 hairs


I plucked up courage and booked to fly to turkey 12/2, with surgery being the following day...dont no if fri 13th was a good omen...


Dr karadeniz assured me he would take care off accomodation transfers etc the same as offered by longevita. Accomodation was apparently close to surgery....on arrival I realised it wasnt close, required taxi journey, getting a taxi was indeed to prove a problem... This was my first negative of trip as longevita would have taken me to and from appointments, saving hassle and added stress. Something i thought dr karadeniz was also doing.Also breakfast was meant to be included, but apparently I had to be moved from original hotel and new hotel/studio did not include this... so accomodation aspect recieved poor marks from me, especially as paid for something I never got


on day of surgery I had to be there for 830. I tried to get taxi, supposedly very easy, but none were seen. Hotel tried to call for 1 with no luck. The time was now after 9am, started getting stressed, if day was hard enough as is, called dr karadeniz, who offered to collect me if couldnt get taxi...eventually got 1, but appreciated dr karadeniz offering that.


The surgery was a long day, initially started with consultation, dr felt I only needed 2000 grafts now, on 1 hand I was happy, as I guess loss wasnt as bad as I thought, but 2500 was agreed in price, so again a little annoyed with that. Next was the haircut, sad to see my long hair vanish. Then procedure started, removing grafts from back and side of head. Your head is injected with anisthetic, so only sore part was injections themselves. There were compfort breaks throughout morning. After grafts were taken, lunch was had, then dr drew on my head for where he wanted to insert grafts.


The next part was long, inserting all the grafts took several hours, during this point the pain started, I guess by now all anisthetic was wearing of graft areas, your back becomes sore due to sitting in same position and I became restless.... it was finally finished around 6pm.... I was bandaged up, given some pain relief and advice for upcomming days. Dr karadeniz discussed proscar and seemed very much in camp for the medication, but after reading into it I have decided against it due to possible side effects.... dr karadeniz was not to concerned re side effects, which I thought was quite poor, think all this should be discussed. I work in healthcare in uk, and we frequently discuss side effects with patients. I said farewell to dr and went to hotel. Sleeping was hard, as many posts have stated, you have to sleep in like 45degree angle, without being on donor area or graft area.... barely got a few hours


next day was the hairwash and removal of bandages. Was glad to see back of those, walking around istanbul with head band and bandages along with bloody head, not good, got few strange looks lol.... wash was quick, bandages were bit sore when removed, like removing a plaster on hairy arms... and now im bandage free


as I mentioned at start got a little shock when saw my hair, it was not what I expected, my hairline which was receeding has been taken back I think, where as I expected it to come forward....but I guess when growth etc kicks in, it will look better than did before...or so I hope...


hopefully some of you guys can give me advice and reassure me its ok, as last night I was pretty sad, dont no if thats normal, part of me wished had not had procedure...but I hope those thoughts will vanish.... all feedback welcome

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Hello Roscoe.

Sounds like you had a eventful trip and its more the traveling that concerns me not the actual ht.

In the end its the final results that matter and the amount of hardship people are willing to endure just for hair is quite staggering at times.

Some people have unrealistic expectations of what can be acheived with what is actually available in the donor region.

As your only thirty dr Karadeniz has probably taken into account your possible future loss and given you a safer more appropriate hairline than you might of wished for. Most people discuss in great detail about the hairline but it sounds like you didn't and now your concerned you should have talked more to the dr at the time.

When it grows in you might love it

Iook forward to seeing the photos.

Heel well and have a nice weekend

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Hey mate...



Thanks for reply,its appreciated, i spoke with him about it but he said he did not want it to look not natural,so he was being brave with it... i would have liked it to be a little more forward,but i guess he knows best and like you say it might well just be cos its short...when it grows in i will probably be delighted with it. Where you from man?are you thinking of going for ht?

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I'm booked with maral for the 7th of march in Turkey.

I'm not well traveled at all and its my biggest concern but that said I've never heard of the problems you mention happening in marals patients threads so fingers crossed all goes well.

What hair loss pattern have you? That might explain the conservative hairline.

I'm from near Preston, Lancashire, uk.

And you?

I dont know myself how to post up photos but I would imagine you would get the answer using the search function .I look forward to seeing them.

What's your reason for not going on medication as very few people suffer the potential side effects?

Have a nice day

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Im from dundee,uk...


I managed to post photos in photo album section,but can seem to do it on this... but i have been using my tablet.might be easier when i get home to laptop.


Honestly you will be fine,if i managed it with them problems yours will be a walk in park. Are you going alone for your ht?


Im not sure of the whole norwood scales...but only way i can describe is my hairline receeded at both sides,like m shape... and was thin at the front... im sure surgeon knows what best...its his job after all,and he seems to have positive reviews aswell...think im just grump at minute...


You will be excited your dates not far. Do you know what ypu need done yet?


With the meds i got a little alarmed when i read things on google re proscar. You can get it very cheap in turkey, but erectile problems,developing breasts,testicles shrinking,lowering sperm count...thats was just a few... it kinda just made me think of just using minioxidl... whats your views on meds?

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I have had absolutely zero adverse effects with the meds.

Only problem I had was with minoxidil but once I stopped using the liquid and went on the foam version the crazy itching went away within a couple of days.

I will be getting as much done as my donor area will allow.

Your dr and mine are competitors and dispise each other so don't read to much into what's said.

To me its us the patients and our results that matter all the other bollocks is unessasary.

I'll have a look at your photos.

You still away from home then? Were is home roughly?

Have a good day

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Really?so do you take proscar at present?i wonder if i should make an attempt to find a pharmacy over here and buy few packs... i had same problem with minioxidl liquid,and tgat made me stop using,might try foam aswell to see if helps me. To you use branded?or cheaper alternative?


Yeah my flight home is tomorrow,got my baseball cap ready lol... im up in Scotland,dundee. Close to perth.

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I use Kirkland brand minoxidil foam ?18 I think for three month supply but it usually lasts me two months.

If I were you I would buy some pro scar while there( don't get loads though as you may suffer the side effects ) and buy a pill cutter then take a quarter a day 1.25 mg.

Proscar and propecia are 5mg and 1mg finasteride made by Merck.

You buy generic equivalents a lot cheaper they still have the same active ingredients ( finasteride )

Its the size of the dose in each tab that differs you can take a single 1 mg tab a day or a quarter of the 5mg tab daily and the later is what most people do as its a lot cheaper.

Just buy from trusted supplier's as with everything if a quid can be made by someone they'll sting you and give you something that may harm you.

Your dr certainly dence packed hopefully everythy goes as planned.

Safe journey home.

Have a good day

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Proud to be a representative of world elite hair transplant surgeon Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic.



Online consultations: damian@bhrclinic.com

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Yes I did Roscoe though they aren't the best quality to be judging the hairline placement from but as I said from the size of the area covered and grafts placed it should be fairly densely packed.

If all goes as expected you should be a happy chappie.

Its the waiting game now and probably the hardest part.

Its going to be 12 months before you and us can judge the results properly.

We are going to be growing through this time together but you'll have a months head start it should be interesting given the rivalry of our two drs.

I personally hope we both end up ecstatic with our results.

Please keep us updated with your progress.

Have a good day

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This is a great thread in that an actual patient is presenting his experience and journey. I guess we will see in the months ahead if the doctor nailed it for you considering all your goals and wishes in mind. Whether he gave you a recessive matured look or a moderate or well established look, one that makes you look your age. This will be an interesting result to see. Keep us updated.

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Johnboy71, i think dr karadeniz covers himself in the graft front by stating between 2000 and 3000 is the same price for him that he charges


So do I understand correctly that you agreed on 2500 grafts. Yet he took 2000 grafts but charged you the same?


Secondly, why were you shocked of your hairline? Didn't you agree both on a hairline that was drawn before the procedure?


Btw thanks obviously for presenting your experience.

Proud to be a representative of world elite hair transplant surgeon Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic.



Online consultations: damian@bhrclinic.com

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