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Maral Klinik, Istanbul, 4000 grafs


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I am pretty new on this forum and had never heard about hair transplantation with FUE method until about two years ago. I am 27 years old living in Sweden. I have never used minoxidil, finasterid or other drugs



I read about Maral Hair Klinik in this forum and decided to contact the clinic via mail. Sent my pictures to Dr. Tugrul Maral and was pleased by the response. He told my that I have a grade 4 hair loss and that I would need about 2000-2500 grafts over front and about 1000 grafts more over upper part to increase density. About 3500-4000 grafts overall.



I had my operation five days ago on 11th of december 2014. Totally 4000 grafts according to the doctor. I will post some pictures. Before the operation, day 1 after the operation and some pictures from today (day 5).



Unfortunately, I hit my head in the shower the first day and have probably lost quite a number of grafts as you can see in the pictures. I dont think it is so bad despite the blood. I just didnt dear touch it. Fortunately it's high up and nobody will notice.


I am only worried about the empty space i saw today (day five) on the front right side. It is like an empty line. Is this normal?



Please let me now what you think. Any advices and suggestions will be received gratefully.















Edited by Katchal
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I have never seen grafts placed in diagonal lines like that before. Not saying that it is wrong or it will have a bad result, just interesting. He certainly packed them in there!
its funny you noticed that cause I have noticed that as well with all of the techs patients.


I also notice the same when Bhatti performs his HT's. somthn just isn't right there........ at least he places the grafts unlike maral who just collects the money.


it almost seems like they place a graft and then just follow a line for 6-10 more grafts then do it again in a different location. thats the down side of techs performing HT's cause ether lack the artistry that a top skilled HT surgeon has.


they almost look like rows of corn.

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Im about a month post op with a maral clinic H T and i was a bit worried at first about the placemeant in rows but mine has grown out a bit and the lines just dissapear im still waiting for the shedding but im confident if the grafts grow the rows wont matter.

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I have never seen grafts placed in diagonal lines like that before. Not saying that it is wrong or it will have a bad result, just interesting. He certainly packed them in there!


Refuse and BUSA,


Thank you for your constructive criticism and noticing the pattern of the channels.


This pattern is seen immediately after the procedure and will dissapear when hair grows. The result will look natural and the growing hairs will turn out to be evenly distributed.


This pattern appears during channel opening, because it keeps the blood circulation intact among the grafts. Blood vessels run parallel to the channels and less damage occurs to them by opening these channels this way. The blood circulation among the grafts should be preserved immediately after the transplantion. Each graft needs to be taken care of to guaranty good blood circulation and secure their survival.


Anyway, when we transplant the optimum number of grafts densely all over the front area for NW1-3 hair loss this pattern may not appear, because of the dense packaging on the very front area and large blood vessels supply blood directly there. The patterns disappear after head washing, cleaning all crusts off or when hair grows.


TJ2014 already stated this fact.. We hope Katchal posts his new pictures after his hair cleaning finishes.

I am the marketing representative of Maral Hair Transplant and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Klinik in Istanbul, Turkey.

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  • Senior Member
[quote=BUSA;2414804I have noticed that as well with all of the techs patients.

I also notice the same when Bhatti performs his HT's. somthn just isn't right there........

it almost seems like they place a graft and then just follow a line for 6-10 more grafts then do it again in a different location. thats the down side of techs performing HT's cause ether lack the artistry that a top skilled HT surgeon has.

they almost look like rows of corn.




Thanks for your criticism,


Here are 2 examples (pictures attached) from the forum, how channels are opened by the doctors. As you mentioned, doctors mostly follow this pattern, more or less, to open channels. That said, there is nothing related to a doctor or technician issue. Anyway, it is of course so important that the channels are opened by very experienced HT team members, who have many years of experience on that, but regardless of doc or technicians.


When it comes to a large scale FUE, where both front and middle upper areas are treated at the same time, this type of channel opening becomes more important, because it should secure enough blood supply among the grafts around the upper areas.



Edited by MikroFUE

I am the marketing representative of Maral Hair Transplant and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Klinik in Istanbul, Turkey.

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ok thanx




Thanks for your criticism,


Here are 2 examples (pictures attached) from the forum, how channels are opened by the doctors. As you mentioned, doctors mostly follow this pattern, more or less, to open channels. That said, there is nothing related to a doctor or technician issue. Anyway, it is of course so important that the channels are opened by very experienced HT team members, who have many years of experience on that, but regardless of doc or technicians.


When it comes to a large scale FUE, where both front and middle upper areas are treated at the same time, this type of channel opening becomes more important, because it should secure enough blood supply among the grafts around the upper areas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again,


I asked the clinic for before-and-after pictures and got this sent to me.


I also attach pictures from day 17 after the surgery (after 14 days of washing). All scabs are gone now and donor area has healed.


So far I'm satisfied. I have read all the threads about the clinic and to be honest I do not care if it's the doctor himself who performs surgery or if it is someone else.


As long as the result is good I am satisfied. I am also pleased with the doctor who act professionally and have been in continuous contact and answer questions long after the treatment.

I look forward to the end result.
















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I had e-mail contact and sent my pictures to several other clinics before I contacted Maral Klinik but I got a good impression from Maral Klinik and felt that they responded best to all questions and concerns I had. Also the estimation of the grafts that I needed was reasonable.

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  • 11 months later...

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